Chapter 2

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"What happened to you and Yoohyeon?" Gahyeon asked her one afternoon when they were taking a stroll at the river bank.

"What do you mean?"

"I might look insensitive but I'm not blind. Now, tell me."

Siyeon feigned innocence but Gahyeon wasn't fooled. She took a long exhale before answering, "We argued."

Gahyeon was waiting for her to elaborate on her statement, but Siyeon was just mum. She sighed, knowing that it was all she'd hear from the blue-haired girl.

"I trust that you two can sort your differences like you always did, you just have to talk it out. Nothing good will come from ignoring each other." Gahyeon's voice rang in her ears.

Siyeon felt pathetic and useless. Gahyeon, the youngest in her friend circle, was more sensible than her. Siyeon should be the one guiding her, not the other way around. But here she was, standing idly while Gahyeon was knocking some sense into her thick skull. She already thought about it before Gahyeon said that. It was all she could think about these days. She just didn't dare to make the first step. Both of them avoid each other like a plague, whenever they meet and the tension is too palpable to their friends to not notice.

"Yeah, I know," she answered in a noncommittal manner.

"Come on," Gahyeon dragged her voice, "It's been weeks. How long are you gonna keep this up?"

"I'll try, Gahyeon. I'll try."


She was looking at her screen, editing the picture that she just took from her last photoshoot. A half-eaten sandwich could be spotted on the edge of her desk, along with a half-empty cup of iced Americano that she bought in the morning. Her concentration was disturbed by the vibration coming from her phone. She reached out blindly using her left hand, diving through the stack of papers and photos, until she finally caught the solid edge of her phone case. After sliding the green button, she put the phone on her ear.


"Siyeon, I need a favour." Yubin's voice could be heard from the speaker.

"What is it?"

"I promised to pick Yoohyeon up but my car broke down on the way. I called the others but they're busy. Could you pick her up, please?"

"But, Yubin....,"

"Please, Siyeon. I tried to reach her but her phone died. She must be waiting for me already." She could hear the distress in Yubin's voice.

"Alright, send me the location." She sighed, seeing that she couldn't refuse Yubin's request.

"Thank you, Siyeon. I owe you one. I'll send it right away."

The line went dead after she said it. But it didn't take long for her phone to beep when Yubin sent her an address. She sighed once more and saved her works. Guess it's time for her to face her problem now, no backing down. She grabbed her coat that's hanging on her chair and left her studio.

She parked her car near the entrance of what seemed like a warehouse. Yoohyeon must be somewhere around here, she only needs to find her, that is. She decided to ask the people around the warehouse about Yoohyeon's whereabouts. A petite woman came to her view carrying, what it seemed like, a makeup box and she stopped her.

"Excuse me, do you know where Kim Yoohyeon is?"

"She's in the dressing room," the woman answered hurriedly. She was gone before Siyeon could thank her.

Now that she knows where to go, she only needs to find the said dressing room. It wasn't hard to find the room because there was a huge sign that said 'dressing room' etched on the door farthest from the warehouse's entrance. She knocked on the door briefly before entering. The room was empty, save for a few racks of clothes and two long mirrors. She heard rustles behind the racks and someone cursed after a loud thud.

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