The fair

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Chloes POV
I opened the door and found a casual dress josh In jeans and a grey shirt. He looked amazing. "Thanks for checking me out blondie but we have to get going" I woke up from my daydream and headed to the car. "And I wasn't checking you out hyland"
We arrived at what I think was the fair. Did he really take to me to the fair at night? Oh well. Atleast I dressed appropriatly. "Im hungry josh" "lets go get food then shall we?" We skipped off to the burger stand and I bought a plain chicken burger and chips, josh had a beef burger,large chips and Pepsi max.
"Can we go on the rides now?" I asked nicely. "Sure blondie" and off we went to the rides.
"That one please hyland". And off we went to the rampage. After the man came and checked our seats I could feel that my safety bar wasn't secure enough. "Josh! My safety bar is loose.". I started to freak out! The ride stated but luckily it wasn't one that went upside down straight away. "HELP" I yelled. "MY SAFETY BAR IS LOOSE. STOP THE RIDE. STOP THE RIDE". I yelled even louder.
Joshes POV
Chloes started to freak out cos her safety bar was loose. I had no clue what to do. I froze. Would they stop the ride? Would they not notice and she fall out? All these thoughts kept coming to my head. Then suddenly...BAMM.

Cliffhanger. What do you think is gonna happen next? Comment what you think and if you get it right you can maybe possibly have a part in the story. Who knows.

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