Prison of the Phantom King

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The Master of Time, Clockwork looks into the future and witnessed the foolishness of a bunch of men in white suits releasing an evil version of the Chosen One, also known as the Evil One

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The Master of Time, Clockwork looks into the future and witnessed the foolishness of a bunch of men in white suits releasing an evil version of the Chosen One, also known as the Evil One.

Observant #1: "Now do you see our concern?"

Observant #2: "It is important that you do something about this."

Clockwork: "So in the future Vlad Plasmius does something stupid which involves the Ghosts attacking the Human World in eight years

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Clockwork: "So in the future Vlad Plasmius does something stupid which involves the Ghosts attacking the Human World in eight years. And you want me to do something about it."

Observant #2: "Yes, that is true. We must save the future."

Observant #1: And to save the future, Danny Fenton must not become Danny Phantom!"

Clockwork and the two Observants looked back at the screen and it wasn't looking very bright for their future!

Eight years later on Danny's fourteenth birthday and three months after his and Vlad's deaths...

The scene changed to Danny wearing a new costume.

The scene changed to Danny wearing a new costume

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(These are his new clothes. He also has the logo on his chest.)

He was fighting a bunch of  Ghosts known as the Ancients!

Danny was winning, but the leader got an edge on him by firing a green Ghost Ray sending Danny backwards into  a small version of the Sarcophagus of Forever Sleep!

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Danny was winning, but the leader got an edge on him by firing a green Ghost Ray sending Danny backwards into  a small version of the Sarcophagus of Forever Sleep!

They moved him to Antarctica to be forever imprisoned and to never be found!

One month later...

As time went by, Ghosts are not only rampaging in Amity Park...they're all over the world!

No one knows what happened to Danny Phantom, so Frostbite took charge and Danny's friends and the Fentons are hunting Ghosts and capturing them.

Sam Manson though, was not happy. She was at her desk in her new outfit

 She was at her desk in her new outfit

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(She is still fourteen years old)

She sends a Ghost into the Ghost Zone and heads up to the kitchen. Tucker Foley was on his laptop typing up a new Ghost they discovered.

 Tucker Foley was on his laptop typing up a new Ghost they discovered

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(He is still fourteen)

Tucker Foley: "New Ghost, Psytro. A Ghost with a nasty grudge against people who have no respect for motorcycles. How lame."

Sam Manson: "Tucker, I don't wanna talk about this, we're having more Ghost Problems every day and we're handling it...but Danny does it better since...he vanished."

Someone came in and they turned to Jazz Fenton.

Someone came in and they turned to Jazz Fenton

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(She is still sixteen)

Jazz: "We'll find him Sam, I promise. I'm sure Mom and Dad will be back to help us find him."

(This story is a Danny Phantom version of Godzilla Final Wars, you guys are gonna love this!)

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