Reign of the Ghosts Part 1

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New York City...

A cop and a gangster in a coat we're arguing over domestic violence, but a bum screamed as he pointed to something fiery blue in the sky

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A cop and a gangster in a coat we're arguing over domestic violence, but a bum screamed as he pointed to something fiery blue in the sky.

Drifter: "Oh my goodness! We gotta get out of here!"

They looked to the sky to see it as they heard rock music being played. It floated over Time Square and a familiar song was being played. The fiery shape formed into the one and only...Ember McLain!

Music started playing as everybody watched

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Music started playing as everybody watched.

Ember: "Hello, New York City! Are you ready to get crazy!?"

Ember: "Tell me who you love, New York City!"

They started cheering...


Ember's fiery hair grows, making her stronger. She fired a sonic wave which started causes major destruction as she laughs evilly.

Axiom Labs

There alarm went off and their computers were telling them that Ghost Activity is happening in New York.

Damon Gray: "What's happening?"

Valarie: "Ember McLain is in New York brainwashing people and causing major destruction, Dad."

Damon: "Go out and take her down."

Valarie: (Smirking) "You got it."

"Sir! Skulker's been sided in Shanghai!"

This leaves them speechless.

"Mr. Gray! Okinawa is under attack by Johnny 13 and Kitty!"

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