1. 𝒞𝒽𝒶𝒾𝓃𝑒𝒹.

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A/n: Just a little before-chapter laugh-- I FORGOT what this story was about. I had to read my own description. I'm embarrassed to say I came up with the idea in a day. I was so excited to start the book. Oof, anyway, I'll shut up now and let you read. 

Oh, and before I forget! This chapter is dedicated to The_Wither_Boss. Thanks for your endless support!


Wither's POV~


Do work. Finish your work. Don't ask questions. Just do what you're told.

I've been enslaved along with other wither skeletons for over a decade. We worked for our lord, our king, Entity.

Now, calling them by their name would get me into serious trouble. Entity was a forbidden word. Lord was what we must call them if we didn't want to get into serious trouble.

The only exceptions to this forbidden word were if you were his right-hand man, Entity 404. There's a rumor that lord and his right-hand man were once friends. That's definitely not the case though. At least, not anymore. They were as cold as ice to each other.

"Wither! Are you trying to get yourself whipped?"


"Lord called for you! I'd run if I were you because the tone of their voice showed they weren't happy."

Not wasting another moment, I run as fast as my legs can carry me. I hear the lord's voice behind me, and I skid to a stop.

His menacing red eyes nearly tear me in half, as I silently pray that he doesn't hurt me.

"Wither. Being even a second late isn't acceptable, and you know that, don't you?"

Taking a deep breath, I don't reply and remain silent. Remaining passive to whatever lord wanted was the only way to leave sooner. I don't want to be here a moment later than I have too.

"We'll get to your punishment later. I called you in here to ask you if you've been experiencing well, traumatic visions. Don't you dare lie to me, either." The tone of his voice chilled me to the bone (pun intended).

"Y-yes, sometimes I do have really scary visions and nightmares," I reply, my voice shaking. His eyes remained glued to me, and I started to feel really anxious. Should I have lied?

"It's as I thought. 404, get your ass in here," he hisses. The clanking of 404's chains echoed through the room. I wanted nothing more than to escape, but I knew that wasn't going to happen.

"What, Entity?" He seethes, venom seeping from his voice. I shudder but collect myself quickly.

"Turns out Null was right. Wither is the one," he whispers. 404's eyes widen a bit before he cautiously grabs a nearby chain. 

As quickly as he can, he grabs my arms and chains them together. 

My hands reacted to the chains as I let out a cry of unbearable pain. My empty eyes watered, as tears started to form. Thing was, I couldn't look weak.

Swallowing most of my cries and holding in my tears, the pain finally stops. Something appears in front of me, but I'm too weak to see what it is.

"He's dangerous. We've got to lock him away in the dungeon," lord suggests. I suddenly feel light-headed. The dungeon? But that's only if you do something really wrong, like attempting to kill someone else or yourself. But I didn't do anything wrong, right?


"Pfft, the dungeon? We should use him to kill Herobrine and Null, that traitor. No wonder why Null was so reluctant to allow us to capture the wither skeletons. He didn't want us to know about the glitch's powers." 

A glitch? Powers?

"Use that weakling to kill? Are you fucking insane?! He can hardly brew potions correctly, and you want him to kill Herobrine?!"

"It was a suggestion, Entity. He's more powerful than you know."

"Pfft, as if. Lock him up, guards. It's an order."

My whole body trembles as two strong arms grab my shoulders and drag me to the darkest part of this hell-- the dungeon.


I've been sitting on the same cold, rocky, ground for hours. My hands were tied behind my back, and my wrists throbbed painfully. This wasn't the worst form of torture I've experienced, though. I've been burned until I thought I was going to die, I was electrocuted many times-- and I've blacked out every single time.

Making sure the coast is clear, I sob silently. I wanted to leave this hell once and for all, but I know that's never going to happen.

I don't remember what the Nether looks like, though I remember a few vague aspects. I remember the warmth of lava and flames, and I remember my mother. I never really knew my father, as he was presumed dead.

"Hey," I hear someone whisper. Shaking away my tears, I mumble, "yeah?"

"Are you new here?"

"Y-yeah. This is my first day."

"What did you do?"

"I- I don't know. T-they called me a glitch and decided to toss me down here. I'm pathetic, aren't I?"

They sigh. "Aren't we all?"

"What did you do?" I ask. They stay silent for a moment.

"I tried to kill myself. I'd rather die than be under Entity's control. And don't tell me that I have to call him lord, because I'd never bow to them."

Sighing gently, I whisper, "What's your name?"

"You can call me Skull. What's your name?"

"W-wither. I don't know my name, and that's what the lord calls me," I reply.

They nod and become silent. Using this as a chance to rest, I fall into the most peaceful place possible, given my situation-- sleep.


A/n: Oh goodness. After rereading this multiple times, I realize how bad my writing is.
R.I.H (Rest In Hell.)

Sigh. Anyway, thanks again for your time! I can't believe anyone would read this, but there's always hope! 

Thanks again, The_Wither_Boss! You're awesome!


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