||17|| Revenge

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Jungkook's POV

After finding out who was threatening Taehyung, Hoseok and I were making sure to figure out the best way to resolve this without getting Taehyung involved.

I only sometimes see him, in school. We don't talk. He probably has something going on I don't know about and is still worried about the pictures, so I understand why he's keeping his distance. 

That is why I'm doing this in secret. I just want to see him happier. And I want this guy to regret and make him pay for what he did to Tae. And that is what we are going to do. The next day I and Hoseok wait outside the school building. 

"Where are they? They should have come out by now. You think something went wrong?" Hoseok says nervously. 

"Chill, they'll be here very soon."

We both take another look around the corner and finally see Yeojin and a guy walking out of the big front doors. He looks furious. She stops him and is trying to persuade him about something. 

"What is going on? This wasn't part of the plan." I hear Hoseok say worried.

Yeojin's POV

"Yeojin, I didn't tell you about my crush for you to find out who it is and ask me questions! Why do you even care? Just leave alone with this!" he screams while we walk out of the school building. I get shocked for a second but remind myself to stay focused. I really want to do this for Jungkook. 

"Okay, I'm sorry! I'm just really curious. I really didn't wanna annoy you. I just wanted to have something to talk about as friends, I never intended to invade your privacy too much." 

"You did though, but I'll forgive you." he says in a normal tone again. At that moment I decide to check if I am still recording, of course secretly. 

"Thanks. Does that mean I can ask some stuff? Please, I'm so curious!" I say excitedly. I see a smile making it's way to his face. 

"Well, it depends" he says nervously. 

"Okay, well... how long have you been secretly watching him?" He chuckles nervously.

"Well, I guess it's been five years or so.. we were in the same middle school." he says shyly.

"Omg! Really? But how can you not do anything? Don't you wanna take action? Like, talk to him maybe?" I ask carefully.

"Oh, hell nah, I'm way too scared to do that. It's impossible"

"But then someone else might come into his life. What if he finds someone else?"

"No! No... he won't love anyone else. No. In fact, he doesn't know this, but I have scared away some potential boyfriends. I knew they were not right for him. You know?" At this point, he already looked a bit crazy to me. The obsession over Taehyung showing in his eyes.

"Wait, so you won't speak to him yourself, but you also don't let other people talk to him?"

"Isn't that normal when you have a crush? And enough with the questions. I already told you enough." he says in a serious tone, but I can only focus on what he said... he thinks that is normal..? Something really must be wrong with him.

"Okay, okay I'm sorry. To be honest though, I have a reason for asking you all of this and you won't like it. I recorded this."

"Wait, what?!" he looks at me furiously. I look over where Jungkook and his friend Hoseok are waiting and finally call them over. 

"Hey?! What do you mean? Why the hell would you record that??" he says, getting angrier with every passing second. They finally stand beside me and his eyes widen, probably surprised seeing Jungkook.

"Well, you see Jay, I know about what you have been doing. And I think you know damn well who I am since I have been around Taehyung a lot. Do you have anything to say for yourself?"

"Well- okay look, I... I know what I did wasn't right. But I love Tae. You are not the right guy for him Jungkook!"

"Don't you realize what you're saying? You are making decisions for him, watching him from afar over years and years and messing with his life by letting no one in it! That's not love, that is obsession!" Jungkook loses it, letting out his anger at him. 

"No, I am doing all that- because I care for him, I... I love him!" he screams right back. Before Jungkook can say anything again I start playing the recording.

"...But then someone else might come into his life. What if he finds someone else?"

"No! No... he won't love anyone else. No. In fact, he doesn't know this, but I have scared away many potential boyfriends. I knew they were not right for him. You know?" 

"Wait, so you won't speak to him yourself, but you also don't let other people talk to him?"

"Isn't that normal when you have a crush? And enough with the questions. I already told you enough."--

He looks down to his shoes, probably trying to cope with everything.

"What have I been doing..? I... only brought him- pain, through all these years.. I-I think I have a serious problem- or something... I need your help-"

"Calm down, Jay. We won't press charges or anything." I tell him, resting my hand on his shoulder to calm him down.

"Yeojin, what are you talking about??" Hoseok asks me, not believing what I said. The thing is, I've talked to Jay sometimes and he always seemed like a good person.

"Guys, I think he never intended to do bad things. He is just now realizing what he has been doing to Tae and is starting to regret it. He just needs help and we should give him a chance to get better, don't you think?" I say in a calm manner. They look at me and at each other. Then Jungkook steps forward.

"I guess that is fair. But I want you to delete any pictures you have of Tae himself or him with me. Delete his number as well. And if anything like this ever happens again I won't let you off. I will have my eyes on you. Remember that. And remember the recording as well." Jungkook tells him, staring straight into his eyes. Jay slowly nods while his eyes begin to water.

"Let's go." Jungkook says and turns around to leave. Hoseok leaves right after. I look at Jay one more time.

"I know you can get over this, but you need help. And if you ever need someone to talk to, you can come to me. I might have lied to you today, but it was to help all of you. I hope you understand and I really wish you get better." He looks at me for a moment but quickly directs his eyes to his shoes again. I slowly start leaving.

"Thank you." I hear him say. 

I turn around and look at his broken face. I smile at him and turn around to leave. I get teary eyes, thinking about how hard it was to become a better person and forgive myself for my mistakes...

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