Chapter One

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Chapter One

Jonathan downed the last of his beer, raising it to signal to the waitress he was ready for another. He sat the empty bottle back down on the table and looked around the bar. He saw several of his Army buddies. Some were with girlfriends or wives, enjoying a night off after our last mission. They had been gone for just three weeks last time, quite a short period of time compared to what most of their missions were. Ryan, one of his best friends, was over by the bar trying his best to pick up the blonde with the big boobs. His other friend, Albert, was sitting across from him with his girlfriend on his lap. Neither one detached themselves from each other for long. They started dating about a month before they left for their last assignment. It wasn't that long ago that Jonathan would have been right beside Ryan, trying his best to pick up a girl to take home for the night. One night stands were his specialty in the line of work he was in. He just didn't have the time to put into a real relationship, and quite frankly up until the last few months he was okay with that. He had enjoyed his freedom and not having to worry about a girl back at home to stay faithful to or kids to take care of. Now, seeing Albert so happy in his relationship with Jennifer, it made him realize just how much he wanted what they had. Jen pulled herself away from Albert and stood up.

"I'll be back. I'm going to the ladies' room." She winked down at him as she made her way across the bar to the corner where the bathrooms were. Jonathan watched Albert as he watched her walk away. His blue eyes sparkled with adoration and the smirk on his handsome face told Jonathan it wasn't pure thoughts that were running through his mind as he watched her backside. Jonathan threw a peanut at him, hitting him square in the forehead and laughed.

"You're a fucking goner, man." Albert grinned over at his friend and shrugged.

"Yeah, I am." He took a long pull on his beer. He glanced over at the bar to where Ryan was, the blonde now sitting comfortably on his lap while he whispered in her ear causing her to giggle. He nodded towards their friend at the bar.

"Why aren't you over there with him?" Jonathan shrugged and sighed heavily.

"I don't know, man. I've just been thinking about things lately. Maybe I'm tired of one night stands. Maybe I'm ready for something more, something like you and Jen have." Albert's eyes widened in surprise.


Jonathan nodded slowly, "I know I've said I enjoy my single life. Honestly, up until recently I have." He paused for a moment, picking at the label on his beer. "What if I'm missing out on something wonderful? I mean, a couple years ago most of the guys in this room were just like us. Single Army men without any women or kids to tie us down. We could go anywhere and do anything we wanted. Now the majority of us are either married or at least have girlfriends. Things have changed. I see how happy most of them are. I mean, yeah they've changed, but they've changed for the better. Now they have even more reason to fight to come home safe." Albert nodded as he listened quietly to his friend.

"Before Jen, I was just like Ryan too. Partying when we were home, getting with different girls all the time. Now that I've met her, I can't imagine life without her honestly." Jonathan grinned over at Albert.

"Are you thinking about..." his voice trailed off as he gestured towards the fourth finger on his left hand. Albert blushed furiously and looked around the room to make sure Jen wasn't close by.

"Shh, keep your voice down." He leaned in closer to Jonathan. "I'm not quite ready to get down on one knee yet, but I'll be damned if I haven't thought about it." He shook his head and laughed, "I honestly never saw myself settling down at this point in my life, but Jen...she's been a game changer." Jonathan ran his hands through his short honey blonde hair and sighed. He glanced back over at the bar and caught the eye of an attractive redhead. She gave him a seductive, come hither smile, telling Jonathan with just a look that he could have her if he wanted her. The old Jonathan would have gone right over to her, whispered a few compliments, and have her on her back in no time flat. That wasn't who he wanted to be anymore. He wanted something more than that. He gave her a half smile, then returned his attention back to Albert.

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