Chapter 14 ~ Barfing Snitches

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"Harry, you really should eat." I told him.

A couple weeks had passed since the troll accident, and it was time for the first Quidditch Match of the season. I was eating, not too much though, because I didn't want to throw up at the match. But Harry wasn't eating anything.

"No, I'm not hungry."

"You're just nervous Harry. You'll need you strength today, and if you don't eat anything, then too bad- Gryffindor loses. Why? Because the Seeker fainted from hunger at the first minute."

"Bloody hell, (y/n)," Ron said, "you're even making me nervous."

I laughed, but it stopped immediately because old Snapey was coming.

"Good luck today, Potter and (l/n)," he told us, "oh but fought a troll didn't you? After that, a Quidditch match must be easy for you. Even if it is again Slytherin." And with that, he left.

"Why did he just good luck to you?" Ron asked.

"He was probably being sarcastic," I replied.

"Look! Snape's limping," Harry said suddenly. I looked at Snape too, walking towards the staff table. Me and Harry looked at each other, and I knew we were both thinking about the time we caught Snape's leg bleeding.

"That explains the blood," I said.

"Blood?" Hermione asked.

"The day we fought the troll," Harry started explaining, "and when Snape came. Me and (y/n) saw blood on his leg. It was a big scratch mark. He probably let the troll in as a diversion, so he could get under the trapdoor that dog's guarding. But he got scratched."

"But why would he do that?" Hermione asked. "He probably knew the dog was dangerous."

"When me and Hagrid went to Gringotts, Hagrid took something from a vault. Said it was top secret."

"Wait," I jumped in the conversation, "so you're saying that top-secret thing Hagrid got from the vault is under that trapdoor?"

"Yes. That's what the dog is guarding."

"And Snape's trying to steal it?"


"Harry, I don't think Snape would steal anything. If he was that bad, why would Dumbledore keep him at Hogwarts to teach?"


"We'll talk about it later Harry," I said, "we have a match to win."


Two owls were coming toward us. One of them was a brown one, and the other one was white.

"Harry, isn't that Hedwig?" I asked him.

"Y-yes," Harry looked surprised. "But. . . I never get mail."

"Well, now you do."

Hedwig and the other owl dropped two packages. One for me, one for Harry. They had a long body, but an oval-ish thing in the end. I gasped. "They're brooms! For the match! But. . .I thought First years weren't supposed to be allowed new brooms. . ."

"Well, they weren't supposed to be in the Quidditch team either," Hermione smiled.

"What are you waiting for?!" Ron looked excited. "Open them!"

Hermione and I unpacked my broom, and Ron helped Harry open his. When they finally opened, Ron and I shared looks, too amazed to speak.

"B-but," I stuttered. It was too good to be true. "But- that's a-"

(Y/N) Black and the Sorcerer's Stone  (Harry x Reader) (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now