Chapter 18 ~ Voldy in the Forest

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I dreaded the next day, so, naturally, it came pretty quick. When it was 9pm, me, Hermione, Ron and Harry went outside to meet with Filch and Malfoy. I had the Map just in case. When he saw us, Malfoy immediately started groaning about how it was our fault that he had detention.

"Oh get yourself together, you're going to the Dark Forest," Filch mumbled; and Malfoy shut up. He led us towards Hagrid's Hut, which made me wonder if we had detention with him. "Pity they let the old punishments die. We would hang you by your toes in the dungeon. God I miss the screaming."

Inside the Hut, I heard a roar, which probably was from Norbert the Norweigan Ridgeback. I took a mental note to ask Ron whether he wrote to Charlie yet. Filch yelled at Hagrid to come out; and soon Hagrid was out of the Hut, his hands covered in burn marks. Looks like Norbert didn't like his "Mummy" after all.

"You will go to the Dark Forest with Hagrid," Filch said.

"The Dark Forest?" Malfoy whined. "I thought that was a joke! There are werewolves!" As if to prove that point, a howl came from the forest.

Filch laughed coldly. "There much more than werewolves in those trees lad, you can be sure of that. Nighty night." With that happy thought, he left.

There was a moment of silence before Hagrid coughed. "Come on, lots to do."

Hagrid took us to the Dark Forest, and stopped in front of a silvery liquid which I recognized as Unicorn's blood.

Hagrid fingered the blood. "That's Unicorn's blood. This one has been seriously injured by someone. . .or something. Our job is to find the person -or thing- who hurt the unicorn. Now, Ron, Hermione, you'll go with me." Malfoy groaned, knowing who he'd go with. "And Harry, (y/n), and Malfoy, you three will go together."

"Fine!" Malfoy said. "Then I get Fang."

"We," I corrected.

"Sure," Hagrid said, "just so yer know, he's a bloody coward. Oh, and if yer ever need help, send up red sparks - Periculum's the spell, I think they thought yer that." I nodded.

After that, we were on our own. I got the lamp, and went inside the Dark Forest with Malfoy, Harry and Fang.

I learned something new today: Malfoy can get scared pretty easily. He kept whining about how this was servant's stuff, and that his father will hear about this.

"Scared, Malfoy?" I teased.

"Pff no, of course n- what was that?!"

I laughed, and walked next to Harry, and made a silent agreement. I walked from behind towards Malfoy, and. . .

I screamed in his ears.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Malfoy's yelling didn't stop until he shot red sparks into the air. Harry and I started laughing too much, considering we're in a forest full of monsters.

"W-what are you laughing at?"

"Nothing," I continued laughing. My laughing stopped when Hagrid came, with Hermione and a scared Ron.

"What's goin' on in 'ere?" Hagrid asked.

"Oh, nothing," I said, "it was a prank to scare Malfoy," this time, Hermione and Ron joined us too, laughing.

"I-it wasn't funny!" Malfoy whined.

"No more pranks, remember, we 'ave a job to do." Hagrid led Hermione and Ron to another part of the forest, and we were alone once more.

I went ahead this time, the lamp still in my hand. A couple minutes later, the leaves rustled ahead and I could see a figure standing on a unicorn. . .drinking it's blood. Harry and I touched our scars immediately, and whisper-screamed. I tried to keep mine low.

(Y/N) Black and the Sorcerer's Stone  (Harry x Reader) (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now