Part 6..

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 "Parents? Are both Hado and your parents' good friends?" Mirio asked in which you nodded your head. "Exactly!" You said happily while Tamaki titled his slightly to the right. (That's odd, Hado would have told us about Y/n.) Tamaki thought to himself while Mirio looked straight into your eyes. "Really? That's weird. Hado is really talkative but has never mentioned any of your names." Mirio said straightforwardly while Tamaki looked right at Mirio as he said that.

Your brows furrowed while you tilted your head and began to laugh it off. "Really? Hm. That is weird." You said a little hurt yet confused. Hado and you didn't really get to see each other in UA much since she had work studies and was always with Mirio and Amajiki. "But hey! At least we all know each other now right!? Let's go dance!" Litzy said trying to move away from the topic. You shook it off and stopped thinking about what Mirio said. "Hell yeah!" Mirio said smiling.

Mirio and Litzy walked off to the dance floor and just talked which left you and Amajiki alone. "Sorry, I don't know how to dance." Tamaki said embarrassed as he avoided eye contact with you. "That's completely fine! I have experience dancing from Just Dance 3." You said laughing while Amajiki chuckled softly. "Really? Maybe you can show me some of your dance moves.?" Tamaki said shyly as he looked back up into your eyes that were lit up with excitement which made him smile.

(D-Did I just ask them to show me their dance moves? Oh, no. What is wrong with me? I don't even k-know them that way. I wanna go home.)Tamaki thought to himself in disbelief .(DON'T FREAK OUT!) You repeated that phrase in your head since you made your all time crush smile. (I should just enjoy the moment, it's going to be okay. Nothing bad can happen r-right? They seem like fun, yet positive even more than Mirio...) Tamaki thought to himself as he couldn't help but smile at you.

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