Jus' Sayin'

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Author's Note: This story was posted on Wattpad actually! But I took it down after about three weeks. lol.

This one was supposed to be about this Englishman who comes to America- Basically he gets with Wesley in the end lol.


Prologue: Land of the Brave



Owen just couldn't believe his eyes as he stepped out of the airport. He brought in a deep breath of the American air and pushed out the English. The sky was clear, a few wispy clouds passed by, and the sun seared from above. A new place, just like he wanted. He could start anew here, maybe gain some friends, American friends, and live the life he probably wouldn't have accomplished back home.

He was shoved forward in the back by a busy, stout man who was talking hurriedly into his phone. Owen rolled his shoulder and eyes. Looks like some things don't change.

His grip on his luggage cases tighten and he stepped forward on the sidewalk to call a cab. Unfortunately for him, he was weighed down by the excessive cases he carried with him to the new country. Both hands were full and at the moment it was too much to raise a hand of two cases and call a cab. He blew out a breath of air as he watched the citizens around him. Business people hurrying around with suitcases and satchels, speaking into the phone. American soldiers in their green camo uniforms flung themselves at family they hadn't seen in months, years. But then there was just family, family members greeting each other for the occasion they were going to commemorate together. Family reunions, holidays, birthdays, weddings, perhaps even funerals. You name it, they were there for it. Owen couldn't help but to wish he had someone waiting for him in the new world, but he was a foreigner who knew no one.

He looked up the road that brought in the families in front of the air port. There were lines of SUVs, cabs and fancier cars waiting to pick up their passenger. Owen decided if he wanted to get anywhere, he should put down his things and call a car. How else was he supposed to meet up with his landlord and secure his new apartment for good? He put down his worn bag and flung his arm out to catch a cab.

One passed him and picked up a richer looking fellow with a business suit on. Owen rolled his eyes. It was basic cab knowledge not to try and call a cab with richer looking people standing alongside you.

He threw out his arm again, with more gusto and flare. Another one passed him however.

With all his English expertise, he caught none.

Suddenly he heard a chuckle from his right. Owen turned to his right and saw a girl, around his age- twenty five, laughing at him. Her skin was chocolatey brown and she wore a peach tank top with forest green shorts. The warm smile of hers pulled him in.

He puffed his cheeks out in a playful pout. She smiled warmly at him.

"Need a taxi?" She asked sweetly, taunting him. Her accent was a watered down American Southern drawl. He didn't expect the Southern Americans to actually talk like that. Need uh tah-xi? But she spoke a little faster than Scarlett O'Hara.

Owen smiled warmly at her, "Badly." He replied.

She smiled brighter, "Cool! I'll get you one only if I can ride with you. Since I'm calling it down I expect a free ride!"

Owen was a gentleman, how could he say no? "Of course."

The woman gave a short nod before shoving her way through the people that began to migrate in front of him. He watched her with a smile.

"Out of my way buster, I got places to be and people to see!" She roared and a man shuffled his way away from her. Then she turned to Owen and looked back at him, "C'mon! You want a ride or what?" Her brown eyes shimmered with trouble.

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