Random Vampire Story

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Author's Note: I have no idea what I was going to name this story and I also never made a cover for it. Unfortunately I can't really remember the plot aside from this new kid meets this vampire at school.  So yeah, Logan meets this guy (don't remember what I was gonna name him) in a group project and he's a vampire. Chevrolette Beitel is a witch and that's all I can really remember. 


Chapter One: Change of Scenery


I couldn’t believe my parents actually thought this was a good idea. Did they seriously think I’d be happy about going to a new school for my senior year of high school? What kid even wants to change schools so late in the game? Who really and truly does that? My music blared ruthlessly from my earbuds as we drove into the school entrance. It was my first day of school literally the second month into the first semester. Boy, wasn’t I going to look classy?

K. Mulberry High School was located somewhere in the middle of Washington state. I didn’t even care to remember what the name of the city was. Austin would be the only city I ever cared about, and as soon as I graduated I was getting the heck out of this state and going back to Texas.

My dad pulled the car to a stop.

“Alright kiddo.” He said.

I rolled my eyes. Lately he’s been making an effort to be my friend, and by effort I mean calling me kiddo. Ever since I came out to my parents, which wasn’t even that recent, maybe like sophomore year, they’ve been throwing me into vacation bible schooling, extracurricular Christian activities, and even more time spent in church. As if Sunday and Wednesday weren’t enough. It’s like hello! I get the picture! God good, Satan bad. What’s annoying is that they’re doing all that as a subtle way of disagreeing with my sexual preference. They know it’d kill me to outright disown me. I do have to thank them for their consideration though. They could have been much worse as Texan parents.

“I’ll see you after school pa.” I mumbled, climbing out the passenger side.

And so it begins.

I looked up and stared at the school’s name in huge, white letters. It was a brick building with white accents, and it was huge. Well over a grand of kids went here. Teens were pouring into the building, lugging backpacks tattered from experience. I pulled out the schedule that was folded up in my back pocket. It was worn from being looked at countless times, as I tried for a week to decipher things like L3:R901 and other strange codes. I glanced over my shoulder. Pa was long gone. I let out a frustrated sigh and shifted the backpack on my shoulder.

Okay, well my locker was located in the main hallway to the right of the entrance. The secretary was kind enough to write that in big bold letters with a red pen. I joined the mass and manouvered my way into the school. I turned right and looked at the rows of red lockers, searching for a silver plate reading 17. Finally I saw a 16 on the bottom row so… I looked up and there was 17 right above 18. I went straight to it. She also left a message with my code. L21R17R15L22. I mumbled it to myself while turning to the left, right left, and following the rest of the pattern. My locker clicked open. Hallelujah! Praise be! The only good thing about today so far.

I opened the door and stuffed my backpack inside.

Suddenly the locker next to mine slammed open, hitting the edge of mine. I scowled and looked up at the offender. Yeah, I had to look up. I was only 5’6.

It was another boy, a head taller than me it seemed. He had dirty blonde hair and a heavily freckled face. He was clad in a black Polo with dark, fitted jeans. His feet were stuffed into vans and he looked pretty grumpy.

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