Chapter 7

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My heart danced in my chest, my mind racing thinking what Kai could want from me.

"What's the favour?" I asked.

His eyes looked deep into mine almost as if he was searching for something in them.

"Help me." He blurted out.

Taken aback by the sound of desperation in his voice all I did was look at him in bewilderment waiting for more.

"Help me deal with whatever the hell these emotions are." He honestly sounded scared.

I honestly didn't know if this was some sort of sick joke. Kais way of getting closer to me just to screw me over one more time. I let a moment of silence pass as I took in what he was saying.

"Why me?" I finally asked.

"What?" He replied.

"Why me? You could get a therapist, you could ask any one of the other countless people you've tortured since you're arrival, so why ask me?" I was actually intrigued.

"I trust you." He began leaving a small pause before starting again.

"I was up all night thinking about how badly I treated you, and how you were never horrible to me yet I still treated you so badly. How I left your friend behind, I feel so fucking guilty for leaving her there." He briefly put his head in his hands.

"I'll help get Bonnie out in exchange for a little help from you to get my feelings back in check." He proposed.

My heart was racing. I needed to take this deal, I needed Bonnie back more than anything and if all I had to do was counsel Kai Parker to get her back I'd do it in a heartbeat.

However if I'm honest, deep down I don't think that's the only reason I wanted to help him. I actually felt bad for him, suddenly having a lifetime nworth of bad decisions finally catching up with you must hurt.

"I'll help you." I stated.

"In exchange for help with Bonnie." I added.

He nodded in agreement and held out his hand to shake on the deal.

I offered mine back and shook on it.


A few hours had passed since Kai left. We agreed that we'd meet a couple times a week to talk and to discuss ways to help Bonnie.

He'd do as much reading and research as possible on the best way to bring her back in between our meetings.

We both also agreed to keep it between us for now, the last thing I needed was everyone knowing I was Kai's life coach. Plus I didn't was to get everyone's hopes up about Bonnie in case Kai was going to let me down. I didn't even want to get my own hopes up.

I was beginning to become bored of being alone. Being in such a big house all by yourself just felt so unnatural. Just as I was about to put on a film to take my mind of things Caroline walked through the front door in a fit of tears. Caroline was so strong that it was so difficult to see her like this. I instantly jumped up to her aid wondering what could possibly be wrong with her.

She fell into my arms and I just held her as she sobbed into my shoulder, every so often saying something like "it's okay" or "I've got you" in an attempt at comfort.

Eventually after she had calmed slightly I gestured her to the living room and sat her down on the sofa.

"What's wrong Caroline, you wanna talk about it?" I asked.

She was just staring at the floor tears still softly rolling down her cheeks. She then looked up at me.

"It's my mom. She's sick, terminal cancer, it's bad Maddie." And she broke into more sobs.

In utter shock I shuffled closer to her and held her again.

"Oh Caroline I'm so sorry."

Caroline just like me had lost everyone. Her dad, Bonnie, her boyfriend Tyler left her at the start of college and then Stefan abandoned her, and now her mom. Caroline's mom Sherif Liz Forbes was always like a mother figure to me growing up too, since I never had one around. Tears started to well in my eyes as I thought about it. Liz didn't deserve this, Caroline didn't deserve this.

That was when I remembered the snippet of Caroline and Stefan's conversation I had overheard yesterday morning. She was telling Stefan that her mom passed out randomly whilst grabbing a coffee. Poor Car.

We sat and chatted for about an hour about everything before Caroline went back home saying she needed some time alone.

She told me the doctors said it was inoperable and spreading quickly and her mom had known for a couple months. She also said she had spoke to Stefan about it and said he had been there with her at the hospital. At least he was finally stepping up and being there for her. He cannot abandon her again.

It was beginning to get dark by the time Damon got home. He sauntered through the door with a smile etched on his face.

"What's got you in such a good mood?" I teased.

"Elena and I are going on a date." He beamed.

I have to admit it was rather strange to hear him pleased that the person who was so head over heels in love with him just a couple months ago had agreed to go on a first date.

"Damon I'm so happy for you both." I smiled at him.

"Me too." He replied.

"Much up with you today?"

"Not a thing, just been alone all day." I lied.

Caroline should be the one to tell people about her mom, and as for Kai, no one could know.

"Have you ate?" Damon asked.

He always checked up on me. He actually had really softened since coming back from the prison world. I think his time with Bonnie was good for him, and besides we had to check up on each other because we knew how it felt to miss Bonnie Bennett.

"Nope not yet." I replied.

"You wanna order takeout and watch a film?" Damon asked.

"Need you even ask?" I replied already handing Damon our supply of menus.

I'm actually glad he offered because although I'm so pleased for Damon and Elena it was going to be weird him not being around here all the time when they inevitably got back together.

Although, if he wasn't here maybe I'd have to make less excuses for my meetings with Kai.

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