Chapter 31

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Kai and I had spent the past few days settling in. It was nice to interact with people again. To sit in a restaurant, go on a walk somewhere not covered in snow.

I had met with the girls yesterday. Honestly it was icy at first, even though they were pleased to see me.

The room eventually began to warm up as I relayed everything to the girls about Kai for the first time. It felt so good to finally spill my guts that I could hardly stop every detail pouring out.

"Have you slept together?" Caroline questioned eagerly. "Of course you have duh, trapped in a prison world with him alone. Was it good?" She giggled.

I practically felt my cheeks blush at the question as the girls eagerly watched me, waiting for a reply.

"It was very good." I replied shyly.

Caroline gasped. "Scandalous! Ugh! I love it Mads."

I giggled. She was definitely the most welcoming to the idea of Kai and I.

Elena and Bonnie giggled too as they teased me. It felt like we were school girls again, gossiping about some cute boy.

I went on to tell them everything about Kai, how it all had happened, and although they didn't love him, they were happy I was happy.

Even Bonnie gave her blessing, although she did request for me not to force them to spend time together.

Although with our plans that probably wouldn't be an issue. I hadn't told them about our plan to move away yet, I didn't even know when it would happen. Both of us spent our free time looking at ads for apartments, we just had to find the perfect one.

Today we finally got round to watching Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. Honestly both of us were an emotional mess. I don't even want to talk about it. Still not over it.

And tonight we had planned, finally, to go on our first real date. Some fancy Italian restaurant in town.

Kai really hadn't seen me all done up before so he was banned from the bedroom tonight whilst I got ready. Even if we were living together I still wanted some element of surprise.

I had spent a while doing my makeup, brown Smokey eyes and a nude lip. My brunette hair was softly curled and I had went into town and bought a new outfit specifically for tonight. I paired a classic black slip dress with strappy heels. Safe, but sexy. I squirted some perfume on my neck and wrists before looking at myself in the mirror.

God I hadn't looked like this in a long time. A faint smile traced my lips as I pondered my appearance. I felt good, hopefully Kai would think I looked it.

For some reason my nerves were heightening. I mean I know it was our first date but it wasn't like I didn't know him. I'd already told him I loved him for god sake.

I took a small breath and poised myself, before exiting the bedroom. I nervously walked down the hall to the living room in which Kai sat.

I entered the room, immediately catching his attention.

He sprang to his feet and appeared to be lost from words, his jaw practically hitting the floor.

"Maddie, you look beautiful. Wow." His voice was soft as he walked forward and grabbed my hand, holding it out as he placed a small kiss on it.

"I'm so lucky." He whispered.

Kai looked pretty amazing himself. He wore a slim fitting white shirt and dark grey suit trousers. Very classy. His scent was intoxicating and filled the room.

"You look pretty amazing yourself Kai." I complimented.

He shied away, smiling at the floor, before looking back into my eyes.

"Shall we?" He said, gesturing towards the door.

I nodded, a grin tattooed on my face.


We chatted and laughed our way through the night. The food was spectacular, the company even more so.

Kai spoiled me with compliments the whole night. He lit up the night with his funny anecdotes and his signature wit. The wit I used to despise, now I couldn't get enough of.

We spoke about our interactions before the merge. Now it seemed to easy to laugh about him threatening to turn my blood to acid. I guess not many couples have a story quite like ours.

"You know one thing I will never forgive you for?" I teased.


"Vervain ropes, you evil bastard!"

Kai giggled. "I am sorry about that." He chucked again, "Really truly sorry."

The waiter placed our desserts on the table as we got on to discussing the dog we fancied getting in our dream life.

"A sausage dog. It's perfect, small for our apartment, cute, playful." I suggested, my voice full of glee.

Kai grinned.

"I love it. A little blonde one, we could call it Draco." He laughed.

"You might just be on to something there Parker." I chuckled back.

I barley had one spoonful of my desert before my phone started ringing from my bag. I opened it just to silence it but noticed several texts from Damon asking me to call him ASAP, and him calling me.

"Is it alright if I take this? I think something is wrong with Damon." I asked Kai, nervously holding my phone.

"Sure. Yeah." He nodded.

I answered the call and was met with Damon practically sobbing on the other end.

"Maddie I need your help it's Elena." He rushed, his tone full of fear.

I instantly began to panic.

"Woah, Damon what's wrong?" I asked.

"It's Tyler, he accidentally activated his werewolf curse and it's a full moon," his sentence was interrupted by painful sobs. "he bit Elena, Maddie."

I froze up, scared for Elena's life. Tears began to prick the back of my eyes as I panicked through the phone.

"Oh my god, Damon we need Klaus' blood."

The only cure for a wolf bite.

"I'd go get it myself but Elena doesn't want me to leave her, incase -" he broke down into more tears before he could finish his sentence.

"I'll leave right now okay. I'll text you from the road." I finished before hanging up the call.

I looked across at Kai, tears forming in my waterline. His face full of concern.

"What's wrong Maddie?" He panicked.

"It's Elena, she's been bitten by a wolf. I need to go to New Orleans to get the cure." I rushed.

Kai waved the waiter over and asked for the bill.

"I'm coming with you, obviously." He added.

I nodded, I was probably going to need him to get through this.

"Then we need to leave now."

The Two You's | Kai ParkerWhere stories live. Discover now