Chapter 1

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I paced back and forth in front of the TV while Scott sat on the couch, bouncing his leg and staring out the window, like he was waiting for something. Which, I guess, he was.

Last week Scott's mom told him that his cousin, a guy named Percy Jackson, and his girlfriend were coming to stay with them. Scott hasn't seen Percy in 13 years, and that coupled with the fact that we just got back from a trip to Mexico, in which Derek was turned into a teenage version of himself and we had to fight off crazy animal-skull-wearing-creatures, made Scott a little on edge. Melissa left about an hour ago to pick up the two teenagers from the airport which meant she was going to get home any minute.

I didn't hear anything, but Scott must have because he stood up. "They're here," he said. Not a second later, the front door opened.

"-second room on the right," I heard Melissa telling Percy and his girlfriend. "You'll have to share a room, but Sally said that's what you normally do when Annabeth stays with you so hopefully it won't be an issue."

What? Melissa is letting two seventeen year olds stay in the same room- a room with one bed, I might add- when she had just met one of them, and hasn't seen the other in over a decade. She doesn't even trust me that much, and I've been best friends with Scott since we could walk and talk. Then I remembered that I did make a replica of the key to their front door and I understood why she might not trust me completely.

Either way, a boyfriend and girlfriend sleeping in one bed is never a good idea. And did she say that's what they normally do when Annabeth visits Percy? How often does that happen? Melissa looked over from where she stood in the doorway and saw Scott and me standing there.

"Hey, you two, want to help them grab their things from the car?"

We started walking toward the door but stopped when she stuck out her arm in front of us. "And no supernatural business, okay? Sally said Percy and Annabeth had a rough year and they're coming here for a break from New York. The last thing I want is for them to get caught up in all the crazy stuff that happens in this damned town."

'Coming to Beacon Hills for a break? That's likely.' I thought sarcastically.

Scott and I kept walking to the car, where Percy and his girlfriend were grabbing some bags from the back seat. As soon as we got within ten feet of the car, I saw Scott noticeably stiffen. That can't be good, but he kept walking, and played it off like nothing was wrong, which I certainly doubted was the case.


Percy turned around and his face split into a wide, troublemaker grin. "Scott! How are you, dude? It's been awhile!"

"I'm good, man," Scott replied. Then he looked at the girl standing next to him. "You must be Percy's girlfriend."

"Annabeth Chase," Annabeth reached her hand out and shook Scott's, then mine.

"Stiles Stilinski," I said, though I wasn't really paying attention, I was too busy studying them.

Percy was tall and athletic-looking, with windswept, raven-black hair and piercing sea-green eyes. His eyes looked playful and mischievous, which matched his troublemaker grin I saw a few moments ago, but they also had a lingering sadness in them, like the kind Scott has had ever since Allison died. Annabeth was fit like Percy, and had curly, blonde hair pulled back into a ponytail. Her eyes were gray and calculating, and seemed to be on high alert.

They didn't seem too unusual, just super athletic teenagers. I guess their eyes were interesting, a bright sea-green and a steely gray, two uncommon colors that both seemed to have an unseen depth to them, but other than that, I couldn't think of what was making Scott tense up like he was right now. I had to talk to him in private, as soon as possible.

"We can show you to your room," I told them as soon as Percy grabbed the last backpack and slung it over his shoulder.

They followed me into the house and up the stairs, and I couldn't help but notice Scott looking at them uneasily. Something was definitely wrong. We reached the guest bedroom where they'll be staying, and Percy and Annabeth dropped their stuff onto the bed.

"We'll let you two get settled. Stiles and I will be in my room if you need us." Scott gave me a look that clearly said 'we need to talk.' I gave him a look that said 'no shit Sherlock, you've been acting odd since you laid eyes on them.' He must have gotten my message because he scowled at me, then left the room. I followed, leaving Percy and Annabeth to do their unpacking.

"What's up, Scotty boy," I said as soon as I closed the door behind us. "You tensed up when we went out to meet them. Do you think they're supernatural?" At this point, nothing would surprise me.

"No." Scott furrowed his eyebrows. "I don't think so at least."

I sighed. "What's that supposed to mean? You don't think so? Can't you just use your wolf senses and figure it out."

"I tried, it's just weird. They don't smell like supernatural creatures, but something's definitely off about them. It's like there's power radiating off of them. I sense something like this whenever I'm near Deucalion, or other powerful alphas, but not to this degree. Percy smells like the ocean. Annabeth also had some sort of scent to her but Percy's was too overpowering and they were too close together for me to tell what it was."

"The ocean. I mean, we're near the ocean, maybe it could be some of that?" Even I could hear the desperation in my voice. I just got rid of the nogitsune and was looking forward to a relaxing rest of the school year, but now there's another thing I have to deal with.

"I don't know, Stiles," Scott said, shaking his head. "There's something unnatural about them, but I don't think it's supernatural. For now I think we should just be nice to them and keep an eye out for anything strange. Lay low until we know something for sure."

"Sounds good. I have to get home or my dad will worry, but I'll see you at school. Percy and Annabeth are starting tomorrow, right?" I say, making my way to the door.

"Yep," Scott replied. "I'll see you then."

I drive home in my jeep, but I couldn't get Scott's words out of my head. Something was up with the two newcomers, there was no doubt in my mind. Apparently Beacon Hills wasn't done with strange surprises.

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