Chapter 3

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To say that Annabeth and Percy made me nervous would be an understatement. They simply radiated power, especially Percy, and I could tell they weren't human. I was telling this to Kira, Lydia and Malia before school, when the pair joined us. Malia stiffened and looked at me, so I knew she could sense it too. Lydia also looked uncomfortable, but I wasn't sure why. Was one of them about to die? I hope not. That would be hard to explain to Sally.

Anyway, I had first hour with Percy, who didn't stop moving during the whole class. He would tap his foot, start playing with his pen, or drum his fingers any time he was still for too long, which was like a minute. He kind of reminded me of Stiles, and I wondered if he had ADHD too. After that I went to English, which I had with Lydia and Kira. As soon as I sat down, I turned to the redhead next to me.

"What happened when we were with Percy and Annabeth?" I asked her. Kira turned around when she heard the topic of our conversation.

"They aren't going to die soon, at least that's not what I felt," she answered, knowing what I was referring to.

I sighed with relief.

"Then why did you get that look on your face? You know, the banshee look," Kira asked.

"I don't know, it's like they're surrounded by death."

"Great, just what we need. People surrounded by death," I grumble.

"Not like that. Like they aren't new to death. They know people who have died, and were close to them," Lydia says.

"How do you know?" I was surprised at Lydia's confidence in her statement.

"I'm not sure. I just do." Her tone made it clear the conversation was over.

I look at Kira, who raises her eyebrows at me. I just shake my head and turn to the teacher who is starting our lesson. After the bell rings, the three of us walk to history, and find Annabeth already in the class. We sit down next to her and not long after, Percy and Stiles join us.

For the first few minutes of class, I was distracted by Percy and Annabeth. Percy couldn't stop twirling his pen or tapping his foot, again. Annabeth seemed restless too, but not quite as bad as her boyfriend. They introduce themselves, and I almost swear that Mr. Yukimura pauses for a moment, looking at them with curiosity, but then he continues and I'm sure it's just my imagination. Then, when Mr. Yukimura mentions our next topic of study, Percy and Annabeth glance at each other, and I could smell both fear and excitement coming from them.

"As you all know Greek mythology is made up of stories created to explain the greater mysteries of the universe, and everything else that happens in the world, specifically, nature. For example, Zeus is said to be the god of the sky, and any thunder or lightning comes from him. Obviously these are all myths, but they still hold a certain amount of education and knowledge that is considered necessary for this year's curriculum. Now who can tell me the 12 major Olympian gods?"

I rolled my eyes. Surely this was a waste of time. These were myths, they didn't even happen, so why do we have to learn about it? I'm not surprised to see Lydia's hand up, and when called on, she answers confidently.

"Zeus, Hades, Athena, Artemis, Apollo, Poseidon, Hermes, Hephaestus, Ares, Aphrodite, Hera, and Dionysus," she rattles off. When she sees my surprised expression she whispers, "I read."

Then I see Annabeth with her hand up. "Actually, Hades is not an Olympian, even though he is a major god. The other Olympian is Demeter, goddess of agriculture."

"Correct Ms. Chase, and thank you Ms. Martin for the other eleven," Mr. Yukimura acknowledges them both with a nod.

He continues talking about Greek mythology, but I find my mind wandering. Not only did Annabeth know about something as random as Greek mythology, but she corrected Lydia and was right. I mean, she seemed like the brains of her and Percy's relationship, based off their reactions to going to school and Stiles' talk of the family murdering axe murderer this morning, but could she be as smart as Lydia?

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 19, 2021 ⏰

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