1.Fuck you!

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"If your just going to sit there you can leave my classroom." Mrs. James said. Bye the Fuck I thought as I got my stuff with no emotion or any expression on my face. I simply shrugged and walk out without a word. These teachers really think I give a fuck bout what they got to say. Like move on bitch.

Your probably wondering why I got kicked out of class. Well let me tell you, so I'm sitting in the back of my drama class. I don't care for this class or anybody in it. I would have switched but that's too much work so I stayed. Anyway I'm sitting in the back, mind you it's a Friday, so I'm waiting for the bell to ring so I can go to my last class, she wanna tell us to do an improve thing but I ain't wanna do it so I just sat there. So yea she kicked me out like boo we got 15 minutes before the bell, sit your no lip havin ass down, shit.

************After school****************
I'm sitting in the library with this kid, Messiah, he's the only person besides Day and my pops I make a exemption for because I can tell that he's been through a lot. He acts out in class but he actually a good kid. He like a lil brother to me but nobody gotta know that. It started by me just simply helping him with his homework after school then we had actual conversations. The thing about Messiah is that he don't know how to express his emotions so I just let him vent to me for a while after I'm done helping him, he just needed someone to talk to, someone who is gonna listen and not judge him. So I became that, I don't talk much but when I do he seems to listen, it ain't nothing deep coming out my mouth but I offer my advice here and there.

Im currently listening to Messiah talk about this chick, lyric, by the smile on his face I can tell he feelin her. "But I don't know, she kinda distant like she close herself off on certain topics, kinda like you." This lil nigga. " Shut up bitch, just because I don't go blabbing my lips to any and everybody don't mean shit." I said and he just liked at me like 'you know you lying'. "Whatever Messiah, but aye give shorty some time to get comfortable with you, she'll let you in...maybe" I said as we walked out the library. Once we make it outside we head to the gas to get some snacks while we wait for his brother to come pick him up. I've never meet Messiah's brother but I don't care it's not like I'd talk to him anyway. We get our snacks and sit outside for about 10 minutes before his brother car pull up. "Siah let's go!" He shouts from the drivers side. Messiah gets up as do I, "do you need a ride?" Messiah asked. "Nah I'm straight, ima see you tomorrow I guess." " ight, take it easy Sin" he says on his way to the car. I simply nod my head and start my shout walk home.

***********At home******************
I made it home about an hour ago so around 4:30-ish, I've showered now I'm just scrolling through TikTok.

The fuck I thought getting out of my bed to see who is bang on my door like they ain't got no home training. I open the door only to be greeted by my annoying ass best friend. I simply turn around and go back to my room. "Well hello to you too ho" I can't help but laugh at her salty attitude, " wassup 'Day" I say as she makes her way in my bed next to me. "You mighty comfortable" I tell her as he gets under my covers like she live here. "Bitch this my second home I better be comfortable." "Well get you ass out my bed with them clothes" I kicked her off my bed. "Owww you dumb bitch!" "Oops" I say with a shrug. " I don't know why I'm friends with you if your just gonna keep hurting me like this" she fake cris. "Leave them bitch, the door is that way" I said pointing to the door. " Well Fuck you ho." "WeLl FuCk YoU Ho" I mocked her. I don't know about other people but my best friend and I are always mean to each other but will never let nobody talk down on the other. You will get an earful from 'Day and the most stank look from me. That's just how we are.

"Anyways when's pops coming home" 'Day asked after she was done changing, she calls my dad pops also. "He should be home at about 10 why?" " I just wanted to know, anyway you wanna go get something to eat?" She asked scrolling on her phone. " Naw let's just order pizza or sum, I don't feel like going anywhere." I said while going through my photos. "Ok" she ordered the pizza, it came about 45 minutes later, now we're just eating and watching sum movie she picked on Netflix. 'Day though she was slick, she finished her soda and tried reaching for my juice, I slapped her and so quick. "Owwww" she whined "don't touch my juice 'Day" I said without taking my eyes of the T.v "Fuck you" she said pouting I simply shrug.


So how did I do?

What do you think about 'Day?

What you think bout Sin?

Anything I can improve on?

What do you think is gonna happen?

Hope y'all are enjoying your day/afternoon/night
Thank you for reading my book. This is all for laughs and just to put smiles on faces. Byeeeeeee👋🏾

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