Chapter Ten: Dave

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The sun had long since gone down when Diana went completely silent as she laid in my arms. I looked down and found her sleeping peacefully, no worry lines in sight.

"Cara mia," I nuzzled her forehead with my nose as I rubbed her back. As peaceful and comfortable as she looked, I didn't want her to think that I tricked her into spending the night with me.

"What?" Diana's voice was sleepy and almost child-like when she opened her brown eyes and looked at me.

"I'm sorry I woke you, sweetheart." I kissed her softly and was elated when she leaned into it instead of away. "I just wanted to make sure you were comfortable spending the night me, cara mia. I didn't want you to wake up in the morning and get upset."

Diana chuckled. "No, Dave. I fell asleep because I was uncomfortable with the idea. I'm anxious, not a crazy person you have to handle with kid gloves."

"I didn't think that you were, smartass." I lightly tickled her side. "You wanna run across the hall and change into your nightclothes?"

"No," Diana buried her face in my neck. "Too far away and I'm too sleepy."

Sleepy and playful Diana was a side to my girl that I could quickly get used to. It was adorable. "Wanna wear one of my t-shirts?"

"Only if you get it for me so I don't have to get up," she rolled over and gave me a puppy dog look.

Shit. I knew the familiar mixture of dopamine, serotonin, and oxytocin that was taking place in my brain and shooting straight to my heart. I was in love, after only a day and a half. This was a new record for me. I couldn't tell Diana. She was anxious enough as it was. If I told her that I was in love with her she would run away screaming and never believe me. She was finally relaxed and being herself around me. This was a secret that I'd have to keep to myself for a little while. If I had any chance of keeping the woman in my arms she could NOT know that I loved her.

"You're lucky you're so adorable," I kissed her quickly. "I'll get you the shirt and I'll change in the bathroom to give you some privacy."

Diana surprised me when she kissed me, deeply, before sitting up. "Thanks, Dave."

If that was the thank you I had in store for me every time I did something nice for her, I was about to become Prince freakin' Charming.

A little while late as we lay in bed, cuddled up in the dark, Diana once again shocked the hell out of me. "I was thinking," she was absentmindedly drawing shapes on his chest. "If we're giving a relationship a trial run this week, shouldn't we share a room? That way we can spend as much time together as possible."

"Cara mia," I held her a little tighter. "I like your way of thinking."

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