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Lindsey Millers p.o.v.

As i waved the girl goodbye i realized that i did not got her name. I start walking toward the principals dest and i sat down the chair that was across the principals chair.

You must be Lindsey Miller the principal said with a calm tone. Yeah i am and was wondering if i could get my schedule and dorm number. Ok dear wait there. As i saw the principal looking for my schedule i start looking around.

I saw that the principals name is Mrs Johnson. As i was still looking at the things that were in the principals office. Mrs Johnsohn handed me mh schedule,the school map and ny dorm key. Here you go dear, Mrs Johnsohn said with a lovely voice.

I start walking towards the door handle and smile at the principal before i leave. I look trough the files and saw that my class is B1. In the school map class B1 was at the second floor. I start walking up the stairs and finally reach my destination. I open the class door while catching my breath.

Look like someone is late. The teacher said with a kinda cold tone. I'm so sorry i was new and then i got lost. Since its your first day i'm gonna let it slide, but please try to be erlier next time. Yes sir while i start looking around for seats.

I seat at the back of the class with a boy that had brown hair and blue eyes. I realized that he was the boy from erlier. "Ugh is the world mad at me or something" i mumbled.

I heard the guys slightly chuckled. Whats so funny? I asked. He was about to say something when are teacher yelling at us. Miller is Mr Davis bothering you, no wories dear Davis dentetion!

I slightly laugh as i saw him walking away he smirk at me before he leaves. Look like this guy is a troubled guy. I mumbled to myself.

The rest of the day where kinda going smoothly. Then when i'm at my class at history i heard the bell rang meaning that its lunch time. I remember that theres a girl that want me to meet her at lunch.

Before i go up and eat i got to my locker and start putting my things. As i was putting my books at my locker i heard a deep voice coming from my back. I turn around and saw the guy that got to detention.

Before i realized we were actually so close are face barely even touch. "Hey bitch don't you know who i'am, he said with a cold tone. Am i suppossed to know you? Are you dumb, i'm gonna make sure to make your life a living hell.

As he start to walk away i become nervous its my first day and i already have an enemy. Ugh i'll think about this later i should meet up with the girl.

As i walk in the cafeteria i heard someone saying "hey new girl over here" i looked behind

This is a really really long chapter well never mind don't forget to vote btw

Writers Note💛

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