Chapter 17

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*First Day Of Tour* Amys POV - I woke up feeling Amazing the crowd last night was great but tonight is the day it all starts I open with a soft acoustic With Jake and Austin playing the guitar next to me I haven't picked a song yet but I will at sound check. I wanna sing a rock song or a soft pop song that's my Range in Music. "Morning everyone!" You said walking out of the back of the bus to the front "Morning" they all said "Has any one talked to the guys or found out when we get to the next stop?" Asked Paula H "Nope. They said we have to get dressed the next stop is a fair were doing then we have an arena later that night!" Said Maya "Great I can't wait!" You said "Do you know what you are opening up with?" Rebekah asked "I'm at a three songs all rock! I'll Follow You By ShineDown, Never To Late By Three Days Grace, or Lips Of An Angel By Hinder. And I can't choose witch one I want to sing!" You said "I Love Never To Late! It a song you can't dedicate to the fans who may be going threw a tough time!" Rebekah said "I Love I'll Follow You! You can't dedicate to the guys on stage!" Maddi said "I thinks 3Days Grace will get that fan base to build up more!" Said Maya "Hinder Hinder! You can sing it to Robert!" Paula O said "So I'm still lost I'll sing all three tonight and let the guys choose." You said I got up and went to pick out my day outfit since I would have to change later. I Picked a Plad Shirt with Dark Ripped Skinny jeans with Black and White Converse with my hair waved out I didn't put make up on till I got to Rehearsal then ill have to get ready for the concert.

Austins POV- We were heading to PA to do a fair Concert and Then To arena An Hour away for the tour. "Hey Man!" Rob said "Hey." You said "Amy said she needs our help with a song she's opening with." He said "What songs?" You asked "She didn't say. She said she needs help with three tho." He said "Make sure Jake knows too." You said picking out an Outfit to put on "Alright. They said were almost in PA!" He said walking out. I wonder what songs Amy wants us to help with?

Roberts POV - Every one seems to be pissed when they talk to me. Is Austin still Mad about that mistake? Alex and Zach Haven't talked to me since I got back and Jake Speaks to me but not for long. Damn I need to fix my friendships with the guys. "hey Austin Alex Zach!" You called "Yo!" Zach said "Yea?" Alex chimed in "Was up?" Austin asked "Since I made that mistake it seems you guys are still upset? And I just wanted to fix that." You said "Bro I'm not upset anymore I'm just still taken by surprise." Alex said "And I'm not Mad either I've been Helping Maya out she's Throwing Amy a Party for her first concert tonight." Zach said "And I'm not upset I've been worried about the concert." Austin said "So You guys don't hate me?" You asked "Nah Bro Were like family we can't hate you!" Austin said "Thank God!" You said with a Laugh I was happy my friends were cool with everything.

Amys POV - We were Finally in PA and I was excited to sing My Opening song! "Hey Babe!" Robert said walking over to me and wrapping his arm around me "Hey Cuteness! So the songs I need help with are I'll Follow You by Shinedown and Lips Of An Angel by Hinder and then there's Never To Late by Three Days Grace? Witch one should I do?" You asked "The Opening sing 3Days Grace then Sing Shinedown then finish the show off with Hinder!" Jake said walking over to me and Rob "That sounds perfect!" You agreed "Sing those in order and they tell a story. You want the fans to stay strong with 3DG and Then Shinedown shows how your here for the long run and Hinder ofcourse is for Robert." Jake said totally getting my idea "Thanks guys for the help!" You said enter twinning Robs and Mines Fingers we walked to the stage to look over everything. *M&G* Jake Austin and I Had a M&G to do before the show We took pictures with all of Jakes Millertary and Austins Mahomies I had some what of a fan base but no names for them I want something cute but not common. *Sound Check* Austin Just finished With U and The Girl he had For U girl was laughing and having a blast! I was next with my three Acoustic songs. "You Ready were gonna start you off with Austin Playing with you the Jake with come out and play with both you and Austin then the last one were gonna bring out Robert so you can sing to him." Said Dave said "Dave I'm sooooo Scared!" You said "You can do this Kiddo! Knock them dead!" He said kissing my head and pushing me one stage. "Hey Guys! I'm gonna take a few Questions before I sing! Don't be afraid to ask me anything!" You said with a smile! "How did you find Austin?" Asked a Girl with a pink tank top on "Well My Cousin Dave wanted to have me move in with him. I had no idea it was Austin till Three days Later when he came home from Texas. I was a Mahomie before I knew Austin and that still Hasn't changed!" You answered "Today I seen Robert And you holding hands. Are you to together?" A girl asked wearing a white shirt that said Mahomie Madness "Uhmm Why don't I Have Him come out and tell you guys for himself!" You said "Rob!" You called He walked out and the crowed went nuts "They want to know if we are dating!" You said with a cocky smile "Well We can't Lie. Amy and I have been dating for about Four Months!" He said to the small crowed of screaming girls "One more Question." You said "How Did You know Robert Was the one for you?" Asked a little girl in front "well One day we went on our first date he just had a regular date went walking around the park he put his arm around me and I looked into his eyes they shined like there was no lies between us and then I saw it she spark of love when he kissed me that day." You said smiling in a day dream for that day "Okai so the first song Amys Gonna Sing is called....." Austin said snapping me out of the day dream "Never To Late." You said "This Song I'm dedicating to You guys the fans To stay strong and Be who you are not somebody else!" You said I was in the middle of the song when a tear came rolling down my face " Even If I say it'll be alright, still I hear you say you want to end your life, and again we try to just stay alive maybe we'll turn it around couse its not to Late..its Never to late.." You sang Austin Leaned over and hugged me "You guys Its Never To Late." Was the last thing you said when Jake walked out "This Song Is called I'll Follow You! And it Goes to these amazing guys next to me!" You said I sang soft till the chores came then I left it out "The first step is The one you believe in the second one might be profound, I'd Follow you Down threw the eye of the storm don't worry I'll keep you warm i'd follow you down while were passing threw space I don't care if we fall from grace I'd follow you down To where for ever lies with out a Doubt I'm on your side there's no were else i'd rather be I'm not about to compromise give you up to say goodbye guide you threw the deep I'll keep you close to me!!!" you sang I stood up and walked around and kept singing to Austin and Jake Hugging them tight every chance I got! "Thanks Guys I loved preforming for you!" You said walking off stage with Jake and Austin.

Jakes POV - the song Amy sung Had me Almost in tears the way she sung it she sounded like she meant every word like they were hers "Amy I just wanted to say I'm here for you! Short and Long run!" You said pulling her into a tight hug "Amy same here those songs Had me tearing up when you sang them!" Austin said "Thanks Guys that means so much!" She said kissing both of us on the cheeks "Let's get changed for the concerts!" She said walking back stage.

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