Chapter 23

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Amys POV - Its been a year and A Half since Robert and I Got married and just last month we had are first kid! A Baby Boy named Riley Rene Villanueva! Austin and Gina Both agreed to move on after another fight. Zach and Maya Stopped at Anthony he's almost two Alex found love in Ali and Emily and Jake Finally tide the knot they don't want kids yet Rebekah and Brandon are cute still and Have twins Girls Leah and Lilah Paula started a Modeling career! And that's all for what's been happening!

" Robert I need to cook! Can you change the baby!" You called out "Come here Son!" He said picking up Riley "What smells so good!" He said walking back in holding our new born son its the cutest thing ever! "Well I'm making this recipe I got from my mom! So its a surprise!" You said Turning around to kiss your son and husband "Have you talked to your manager since you took off your tour?" He asked "Not lately I wanna stay home and be with my husband and son!" You said "Honey I love you but we can take time off so you can I want you to start back singing again!" Robert said "But what if he's sick and I need to be with him!" You said "Call her now!" He said "Fine!" You gave up I pulled out my phone and called my manager Kayla "Hey Kayla Sorry I haven't called I've been busy!" You said "Yes I've been good and so has Rob! Yes he's so tiny he looks like Robert and Robert says he looks like me!" You said "Great can't wait to get back to work! I just won't time to spend with my son to!" You told her "Great see you tomorrow!" You said and ended the call "Now give me my handsome boy!" You said reaching for your baby "I got him Watch the food!" Robert said taking the baby into the living room. I've been one of those moms that want to stay near her baby no matter what! I finished dinner and went to go sit on the couch with Robert while Riley slept "Can you believe its been a year and a half and we already started a family!" Robert said kissing my forehead "Just imagine if I wouldn't have miscarried we would've been parents early!" You said "I'm glad we have one now tho. And I'm glad I have you!" Robert said circling my arm wit his index finger "Robert your all I've ever wanted in a man and husband!" You said looking up into his big brown eyes "I felt my heart skip a beat the day a seen you!" He said holding my gaze it felt like there was a music box playing our song I walked down the isle to a thousand years by Christina Perri as it played I felt myself melt in his arms as the words drifted around in my head "Heart beats fast colors and promises how to be brave how can I love when I'm afraid to fall watching you stand alone all of my dought suddenly goes away some how one step closer..i have died every day waiting for you darling don't be afraid I have loved you for a thousand years I'll love you for a thousand more.. as the song played I didn't realize I was picturing my life just by looking into Roberts eyes I seen Him holding Riley for the first time I seen him the day of our wedding I seen him the day he fought for me and the day he tried to save us the day it all started the first time we kissed to to every inch we shared for the first time to this day this sweet day "Robert.." you hear the words come out but didn't move your lips "I'm right here!" I hear a male voice what's going on" Amy stay with us!" I hear what's happening!

Roberts POV- "Amy Please be Alright!" You say to yourself "I got here as fast as I could what happened!" Dave said "We were sitting on The couch and I hear a gun shot and the next thing in Amys bleeding!" You said trying to hold back tears "Where's Riley!" Amys moms said walking in "He's with Maya and Zach!" You said "DOCTOR! DOCTOR!" She screamed "Yes!" A man said running to her "What happened to my daughter!" She said in a panic! "She had a bullet in her Shoulder." He said with a blank face "Someone tried to kill my baby....!" Her moms said tearing up "Why would someone try to kill my wife!" You said pissed "No one knows but the shooter." The doctor said "MY BABY GOT SHOT AND THATS ALL YOU CAN SAY! IS SHE GONNA LIVE!" She screamed "She's in the ICU she got hit pretty bad." He said "Can we see her?" You asked with tears in your eyes "Sure right this way." He said leading us to her room Dave and I had My mother in law holding her up she was so weak and scared. We got to the room and I walked straight to her side she had tubes riding in and out of her she was pale "Baby please fight threw this I need you Riley needs you please don't leave me...!" You said crying on the bed holding your wife's hand as the night went on the cries got quite I found a chair that was close to the bed and fell asleep "Mmmmm" I hear "Amy!" You jump up to see "Robert.." she said in a whisper "I'm right here!" You said "What's going on.." she said her voice is real weak "You got shot and are in the hospital!" You said crying tears of joy she's talking "Riley!" She said with a scratchy voice "He's okay I took him to Zach and he's safe!" You said holding her hands to your face and kissing them softly "Baby why are you crying?" She asked "I thought I lost you forever!" You said crying again "I need you Amy!" You said "I need you to!" She said cupping one hand on my cheek "I can't imagine living without you! Your my life Amy! Riley needs you to with you he'll miss his mother!" You said crying some more "Shhhhhh Baby don't talk like that I'm here to stay with you and Riley forever!" She said cuddling my head "I was so scared I lost you!" You said clenching the sheets "Its alright I'm here and never leaving!" She said the night went silent and the next few days was hard. We stayed at the hospital almost a month before we could go home "Home sweet home!" You said carrying Amy inside "It feels great to be home!" She said everyone stopped by Austin stayed with us till Amy was able to walk on her own. Its hard to see her like this.

Amys POV - I was sitting on the couch watching TV when Riley started to cry "I got ya lil man." I hear Austin say threw the baby monitor. Austin walked down stairs With Riley and sat next to me "Hey baby boy!" You said kissing him "Austin help me hold him!" You said you could only move so much "Sure Monkey!" He said with a smile as he wrapped his arm around one side of me and holding my elbows I held my son again in my arms! "He looks more and more like Robert everyday!" You said with tears of happiness "I see a mixture of you and him! He has your lips and eyes but has Roberts nose and jaw line!" Austin said looking at him he really is the perfect son! *two years passed* I went back to singing and started of my tour from my new album Riley turning two in a month and I'm turning 24 Riley was born two days after my birthday and I'm going on tour threw that time and there coming with me and just a couple months ago I found out I'm Pregnant again and I'm almost at three months! We had to hire a nanny to watch Riley while Robert and I worked I'm bringing everyone on tour with me again I love having them around me to support me and the Family Austin and Jake with Preform with me as well Robert. Rebekah and Gina are in charge of the Clothes and outfits Paula Has Hair and Makeup and Emily is in charge of getting me to the stage on time Ali Stays in the back with Maya and The kids While Brooke (My Nanny) helps take care of the kids "Guys Let's make sure everything is good!" I hear my manager Kayla say "Let's get this finished we have a show tonight!" Kayla said I went to see Robert before we started rehearsal "Hey babe I need to go lay down the baby is kicking and I'm feeling sick." You said "Alright come on!" he said moving off the couch to let me lay down "Amy we need to have you checking the mics." Kayla said can I please postpone my tour till later on threw my pregnant stage!" You said as Robert rubbed your back "I can't Amy we already started the tour off today!" Kayla said "But I'm sick and I don't wanna puke on stage!" You said "Honey I wish I could help but the tours starting and in a few hours you'll be hitting the road for four months." Kayla said "I'll be 7 months pregnant by then I'm almost at three! I don't want to risk losing my baby because of stress!" You told her "After this I'll see if I can cancel the last parts of your tour." She said I felt bad for canceling but I'm sick and I don't want to loose this baby!

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