Chapter Five ~ In Which The Tyrant Chases

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Unknown POV

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The sweet smell of his cologne permeated the room, waking me more so than a hot cup of coffee would have. A small smile grew on my face as I moved toward him on the bed. I could feel the rhythmic beating of his heart as I wrapped an arm around his bare chest. Such rigidity and yet such charming poise.

His body shifted with the touch of mine, his sculpted person flexing and going stiff. His eyes opened to meet my own, one moment groggy and the next moment in some form of shock. I only smiled at him.

"Good morning, Handsome." I cooed.

"What time is it?" His deep, half-awake voice questioned.

I ran my hand along his chest, smiling all the while. "It's a little before ten, Sleepy. I didn't want to wake you. You looked so calm and peaceful, I thought...."

He did not let me finish my statement. In fact, he pushed himself from me and sat up firmly. "You need to get going." Emotionless was his tone.

I frowned and sat up as well. "Going? But darling...."

"That was not a optional request." His response and cut-off were cold and blunt, shaking me and breaking my spirits. But what was I to suppose he would be like, honestly? It was not like I had been paid to work the night, but it had not been a marriage proposal either. Nonetheless, he could have been a little more fragile with his words.

Without further conversation, he removed himself from the bed and disappeared into the adjoining bathroom. I took that as my cue to grab my things and leave. There would be no further need for me. I could tell he was one of those who said hello, bought you a drink, and took you home and played nice before forgetting about you the next morning.

Personally, I was use to things like that, but the way he had been the night prior made me think he was a different kind of guy. But so much for hopes and aspirations. So much for chivalry and gentlemanly charm.

I quickly slipped back into my dress I had worn the night before and grabbed my few things. I heard the shower turn on and took that as my farewell. As I walked toward the door of the bedroom, I noticed a set of pictures of the dresser I had not seen earlier. Slight shock overtook me as I found the man had a wife and a child too. A truly licentious man. But why should I have felt bad? I was just as unfaithful.

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Ella's POV

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I was starting to become nervous about this new venture. Perhaps it was merely my paranoid nature which had been nurtured by my tyrannical husband's iron fist. A two faced monster he was, and I was his slave enchained int he dungeon that was supposed to be a home.

My paranoia was heightening, as I stated, for reasons I felt uncertain of. But my uncertainty was becoming more and more clear as I reviewed the situation hourly. That man. That ghostly figure that had cool, grey eyes that searched past your own glistening orbs and pulled at your soul for your deepest secrets and innermost thoughts.

A shiver ran across me as I wondered if this mystical figure, this unreadable man, was a friend of my husbands and a spy to carry me back to my prison. My husband knew many men like those, the kind who could pull anything from someone at the snap of a finger. My husband was a man like that himself. And at one time I thought such a man was a dream, but now it was more of a nightmare than anything else.

"Momma, can we go out?" Arthur's little voice pulled me back into the present.

I saw him sitting cross-legged on the bed, swaying back and forth in the little nature that is quite customary for small children who become antsy in their sitting.

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