Jakes POV

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Jake! I heard Hailey and Luke yell
I saw drew Liam and Henry run off as I dropped to the sidewalk in pain almost in tears Jake are you okay!? I asked as i woke up
What happened? You passed out said Zander looking really scared I got up not only to drop back down again aghh! Jake? Milly yelled running towards me you need help getting home I suppose? Yea I geuss I said as she helped me up I geuss bye Sean said. As he in the music club walked in the other direction. Milly was helping me walk back to my house as I was clenching my stomach to keep me from dropping in pain again. As we got there she nocked on the door. My brother opened it. Jake?! What happened?! I didn't care I just ran up and hugged him. Milly is that you can you explain what happened? Well he has had stomach pain all day. She Evan feel in the floor when we were trying to practice and when the club was walking home he's old friend came and punched him in the stomach he fainted because of the pain and when he woke up he could barely walk so I walked him home. Thank you milly I need to talk to Jake now. Ok have a nice day..

Milly's POV
I swear I warned him drew is such a horrible person! I'm gonna kill him tomorrow! Jake didn't deserve this.. I thoght as I made my way back to my house.

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