Tea in a Coffee House

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So, I'm a pretty average guy. I'm not a nerd, or a jock, or a bad boy. I'm just... normal. Or I was, until last winter, when I met Lanii Tyler.

I was sitting in English class, staring out the window at the snow, not particularly paying attention to anything else. Until Mrs Bradshaw entered the class with a new student.

She was stunning. Fiery red hair, sweater with a band I'd never heard of written across it, skinny jeans, and bright red Chuck Taylors.

She is perfect.

Mrs Bradshaw asked her to do a bio on herself.

"Um, I'm Lanii, I watch Dr Who and Supernatural. I listen to metal, and I'm a cat. Meow."

Mrs Bradshaw frowned and said something about how it didn't tell us anything about her. Lanii started walking to the back of the class, and on her way actually hissed at the teacher.

Everyone backed away from her as she approached their desks. As she passed mine I reached out my hand for a hi-five. She slapped my hand and sat at the desk next to me.

Mrs Bradshaw started discussing the stupidity of Romeo and Juliet. I turned to Lanii.

"No one's ever hissed at a teacher before. That was really awesome!" I whispered to her.

"Well, someone obviously had to then. Besides, I am a cat." Lanii answered, pulling out a sharpie and drawing on a cat nose and whiskers.

"I noticed. Hey, you wanna go get some lunch after this?"

What did I just do. I don't even know her. She's gonna say no, she's out of my league; she's 10,000 leauges above.

"Yeah, why not, let's go straight after this," she breathed, a twinkle in her eye, "I have Trigonometry next, and I hate math."

"Alright, next period it is then," I answered, before turning back to my own desk.

Wait, I've never cut class before. If we get caught I'll get suspended. Oh god, now I sound all... nerdy.

"Sean! Please tell the class what I just said."


"What you just said was, and I quote, 'Sean, please tell the class what I just said.'" I said, chuckling.

"Nice try, Smart Alec." She snapped before writimg some notes on the board.


Lanii and I walked a few streets away from school, to my favorite café, Alfred's Coffee House. They do the best coffee in town.

We sat in a booth, before the waiter came over.

"Coffee for you and the lady, sir?"

"Actually, I'll have a Peppermint tea please." Lanii was sitting on the maroon vinyl cross-legged, with her hands inside her sweater sleeve by her mouth as she talked.

"I'll take a latte please," I mumbled. The waiter walked off. "You come to a coffee house and drink tea? That's so... awesome."

"Well, tea soothes me," she said, reaching her hand up the wall of vintage looking books. She took Alice's Adventures In Wonderland and dusted off the cover. "Just the same as reading the classics with insanity as the theme."

"Your Peppermint tea, Miss." The waiter said, placing a cup and saucer on the table in front of her. "And your latte, sir."

Lanii sipped her tea without taking her eyes off the pages of the book.

"I'm being anti social; what a surprise!" She said, slamming the book shut.

"Haha, it's okay, but I would like to get to know you a little better," I said looking down at my latte, adding a sugar sachet.

"I'm a Taurus, I'm a fan girl, I hate people, and I love cats." She said, staring at me while I stir my latte.

"Wow. I'm a Pisces, I like Maroon 5, I hate Justin Timberlake, and I can sing every line of 'Let It Go'. Every single line."

God I sound gay.

Lanii was silent for about 30 seconds before she burst out laughing.

"Oh my god. You goof. I have to educate you on good music. Although I hate Justin too, hahaha!"

"Oh, Lanii? People are looking at us weird beacuse you still look like a cat." We both laughed and she started wiping it off.

We sat in Alfred's for about an hour before we started walking back to school.

"We should do this again sometime," I said, staring at my feet.

Lanii turned to me. "Pass me your phone then, so you can text me later."

I handed her my phone and a couple of keypad clicks later and we were at the bottom corner of the school.

"Bye Lanii." I waved as she disappeared into the cloud of smoke, courtesy of the stoners.

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