among us (crygi)

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Prompt: You're playing the newest craze of a video game called Among Us, but your girlfriend just wants some attention.

Word count: 1237

a lil PG 13??? 


"Fuck yeah, I got imposter!" Gigi screamed from the couch. Crystal let out a small chuckle at her girlfriend, standing in the kitchen drying off some dishes. However, she was slightly annoyed because Gigi had been playing the game practically all day, and Crystal just wanted to cuddle and watch a movie. 

"Oh shit, I think red saw me vent. Oh wait, I'm red. Who the fuck was over there then?" Gigi spoke into the quiet air. Crystal just rolled her eyes a bit. "God damnit Jan." Jan had introduced the game to Gigi just the day before and Crystal was a bit salty that she did. 

Crystal dried the last dish, setting the towel down and headed over to the couch, sitting next to her girlfriend. "Hi baby..." Crystal said, sliding her hand up the other girls thigh. Gigi just glanced at her, letting out a quick 'hi' then continued back to her game. 

Crystal and her sat there for a few moments in silence, when Crystal finally gave into her thoughts. She reached up and peppered kisses along Gigi's jawline, the other girl barely noticing. Crystal finally decided to bite down on the corner of her jawline, knowing Gigi loved when she did that. "Crys, not right now, I'm playing this game." Crystal let out a huff, she was slightly irritated. 

"You've been playing that stupid game all day, I want some attention." Gigi didn't say anything at first, until it got to the discussion time on the game. "What the fuck? They wanna vote me off! I'm not even being sus, oh my god." Crystal watched the next events play out, Gigi got voted out and revealed as an imposter, then, she went to go join another game, only for her phone to die on her. 

"Fuck me! Oh my god." Gigi threw her phone towards the end of the couch, glancing back over the Crystal who was sitting there with a smug look on her face. "I mean I've been trying, but you're too busy with that stupid game." 

Gigi just rolled her eyes, standing up and grabbing her phone to go plug it in. She walked into their shared room and sat on the bed, plugging her phone in. "Babe, what if for halloween we go as the little characters." 

Crystal walked in and crawled on the bed behind Gigi, wrapping her arm around her neck and leaned down to whisper in her ear. "Gigi, I love you, but will you shut the fuck up about this game?" Crystal used her hand to push Gigi's face towards her, locking lips with her girlfriend. 

"But it's just so fun..." Gigi mumbled through their kiss. Crystal detached herself from Gigi and walked around the bed, only to push her girlfriend onto her back, straddling her hips. 

Gigi looked up at Crystal. "Just let me teach you how to play it." Gigi's eyes shined, trying to get her to say yes. "If I say yes, will you just let me fuck you?" Crystal asked, Gigi just let out a laugh. "Oh my gosh, so vulgar." 

Crystal leaned down to connect their lips, leading their very heated make out session. They continued like this for a while, Gigi wiggling underneath Crystal. As Crystal moved her kisses back down to Gigi's neck, the blonde's phone dinged, pulling her from the trance she was in. 

She shoved Crystal off of her and hopped up to check her phone that had charged back on. Crystal sat up and groaned. "Gigi, are you for real?" Gigi didn't answer, she was already too busy attempting to join a new round. 

Crystal sat for a moment, trying to decided what to do. Finally she sighed, and knew she would have to suffer the consequences, but she was needy and over Gigi playing that god forsaken game. 

She stood from their bed, walking in front of Gigi. "What?" Gigi asked, barely glancing up as she tried to complete her tasks. Crystal quickly reached down and snatched her phone from her hands. Gigi immediately tried to grab for her phone. "Hey! Give it back, that's mine." 

"Gigi, you sound like a toddler. It's a game, you can play it any other time." Crystal said, shoving the phone into her bra. "I'm your girlfriend, I want attention." She huffed a bit. 

"Okay, okay, I'm sorry, you're right. Now come here." Gigi pulled Crystal back into her hold, wrapping her arms around her neck and meeting her lips in yet another deep kiss. Gigi's thoughts were planned out as she removed her girlfriends top, keeping Crystal distracted as she slipped her tongue into her mouth. 

Gigi opened her eyes a crack, glancing down to see if she could see her phone. Once she caught sight of it, she ripped it out of her bra and ran out of their room. 

"Gigi!" Crystal began to run after her, but she was too late as her lover locked herself in the guest bathroom. "Please! Just a few more rounds?" Gigi begged through the door. Crystal sighed to herself as she gave up all hope of doing anything with Gigi. 

"Yeah, whatever." She said walking back to the living room to sit on the couch. 

Crystal watched about 4 episodes of friends as she waited, but it was getting late and she was getting tired. At about 10, Gigi finally emerged from the bathroom, crawling to sit next to Crystal. Crystal barely acknowledged her girlfriend as she continued to stare at the tv. 

"Are you mad at me?" Gigi asked her as she leaned down to kiss Crystals neck as she did to the girl earlier. Crystal ignored her, because she already knew Gigi knew the answer. "Baby..." Gigi pouted into her neck and sucked more marks onto her skin. 

"Gigi, stop seriously." Crystal shrugged her away and glanced at the other girl, seeing the slight sadness in her eyes. "I thought you wanted to fuck me?" Gigi asked innocently. Crystal just rolled her eyes. "And I thought you wanted to play that stupid game?" 

"Okay, okay, I'm sorry, I promise. No more for the night." Gigi waited for Crystal to break her facade of being mad at her, but after a few minutes she knew she was genuinely upset. "Crys... I'm sorry, why're you so upset? Talk to me." Gigi begged, she didn't like this side of her girlfriend, especially not when she caused it. 

"Geeg, I worked all week, I just wanted to spend time with you." Crystal felt pathetic, it was just a stupid game. But she was right, she had been picking up more hours at work and felt like she barely got to spend time with her girl friend. 

"Awe, baby. You're right, I'm sorry." Gigi pushed Crystals face towards her. "Really, I mean it. I didn't realize it was upsetting you this much." She leaned in a pecked a small kiss on Crystal's lips. "It's okay." Crystal murmured against her lips, pecking them once more before pulling away. 

"Can we just cuddle? I wanna watch that new holiday movie on netflix." Crystal asked with hope in her eyes, Gigi just giggled. "Whatever you want my love." 

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