lingerie (crygi)

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Prompt: a lingerie model struggles to take her own photos, so she has to ask her cute neighbor to take them for her.

ALSO!!!! the outfit i'm talking about is from gigi's "hit the back" video ;)

Word count: 1419


Gigi sighed to herself as she tried her best to set the automatic timer on her camera, struggling to press the button to finally take a photo. Her bra was digging uncomfortably into the side of her torso and she pulled it away from her pale skin to relieve some tension.

The camera flashed out of nowhere and snapped a photo, making Gigi scream out in annoyance.

"I fucking hate this!" she yelled, getting up from her place on her bed a little too aggressively. She somehow had made the camera wobble on the tri pod and fall onto the ground, making a noise that sounded like it did some damage. "Oh fuck me..." she said, reaching down and assessing the overall damage to the piece of equipment. She let out another sigh when she realized all was well with the camera, well until she turned it on.

The camera screen shined a bright green color, one she knew was not good. She attempted to take a photo on it, but with no luck, nothing happened. Her eyes filled with tears as she began to grow more and more upset.

You see, Gigi was a lingerie model for an elite company, but every once and a while she would have to shoot herself to make it seem more 'personal'. At first, she was fine, she had on some light makeup and a red bra and panty set that made her pale skin shine bright. Then, the camera wasn't cooperating and she couldn't pose right and the bra seemed to be a little too tight and the list goes on.

Finally, she called her director for the self shoot and had to pull herself together in order to not cry. The phone rang into her ear and she sighed once more.

"Gigi? Everything okay?" Nicky's thick accent rang out, concern laced her voice.

"No. It's not. I hate this." Gigi said stubbornly. "What happened, babe?" Gigi messed with the camera that laid in her lap, trying her best to press some buttons and get it to reset. "I dropped the camera and now it won't work." Gigi's eyes filled with tears once more, but she just looked up to stop them from falling.

"What? What happened, how'd it break?" Nicky grew more and more concerned about the model. "I couldn't get these fucking pictures so I got up from my bed, I guess a little too fast and the camera fell onto the floor and it made this loud noise and I thought it would be-"

"Okay, okay, Gigi. Take a deep breath, you sound like you're gonna cry. I'm not worried about the camera, I can replace that. I am worried, however, about this shoot. Because if I remember, the deadline is tomorrow morning." Nicky was right, it was already 6 pm and the sun was just about to start setting. "I just don't know what to do." Gigi said. "Can you just come take them for me?"

"Honey, you know I can't. I'm sorry, the most I can do is drop off a new camera for you."

Gigi fell onto her bed, groaning into her pillow. She let out a small "okay..." to Nicky. "Okay. I'm gonna go swing by the studio and get you a camera. I'll be around yours in like 25 minutes. Okay?" Gigi mumbled her response and said her goodbyes, ending the call.

As Gigi waited for Nicky to arrive with the new camera, she mindlessly scrolled through her phone. 5 minutes after Gigi ended her call with Nicky, there were three light raps against her door.

"Holy shit Nicky! That was fast." Gigi got up from the couch she was sitting on, not bothering to cover self up because well, Nicky's seem much worse than a basic lingerie set.

Gigi flung the door open, "Oh thank god, I cannot miss this-" she paused. Nicky wasn't at her door, it was her neighbor who she had never even talked to once.

"Hi, um, I'm Crystal, I live right below you and it sounded like something was going on, so I just- I thought I would come see if everything was okay." Crystal was gorgeous, Gigi thought to herself. She had bright blue hair and wore some crazy makeup, but honestly it was quite flattering for her. "Oh, uh, I'm Gigi, I'm so-"

Gigi suddenly became more self aware, noticing that all she was wearing was the bra and panty set she had on from the shoot. She slid herself behind the door a bit more, trying her best to shield what the other girl had already seen. "I'm so sorry, I totally thought you were someone else, otherwise I would've put something else on..." Gigi's cheeks burned a bright red. "Give me just a second." She cracked the door and ran into her room, throwing a robe on over what she was wearing.

As she walked back to the door, she thought about what she was going to say to Crystal.

'Oh hey, I'm a lingerie model and I dropped my stupid camera, now it's broken. Wanna take pictures for me?'

Gigi opened the door back up and was met again with Crystal.

"I'm sorry about that, um, it's kind of a strange story." Gigi's cheeks felt like they couldn't get any hotter, she was sure they were already a bright red. "I'm a model for a lingerie company and I had to take some pictures, but the camera wasn't cooperating so then it fell and I might've broke it..." Gigi twiddled her fingers, she easily could've told Crystal to mind her business, but something told her not to.

"Oh, makes sense." Crystal giggled nervously. "Well, if everythings okay..." Crystal seemed like she wanted to stay, or something like that, so Gigi finally decided to take her shot. "Would you maybe...wanna help me? I know that's like a weird question but I literally cannot get these pictures to save my life and the deadline is literally tomorrow and my friend who's bringing me a new camera-" Gigi stopped her babbling when the blue haired girl placed a hand on Gigi's arm.

"Honestly, I was gonna offer to take them, I could hear you yelling at the camera for a little while. I only came up because it sounded like you fell off of something." Crystal smiled and let out a little chuckle, which Gigi thought was adorable. "Ugh, thank god because I was literally just going to give up and lose my cut for this shoot."

The two girls stood there for a moment, until Gigi realized she should probably invite the other in. "So when is your friend coming with the camera?" Crystal asked, taking a seat on Gigi's couch. Gigi glanced at the time on her phone.

"Honestly, she should be here any minute." Gigi's eyes widened for a moment. "Shit, uh, when she get's here, just hide in my room and don't make any noise, they can't know someone helped me with the shoot." Crystal just let out a laugh at Gigi's nervous actions. "Gigi, calm down, I get it. Just let me know what you want from me. 

Gigi's mind wondered off. She wanted a lot more than Crystal would probably ever give her. Gigi's lips lifted into a small smirk, one that she wiped off her face before Crystal would even notice. 

The two girls made small talk as they waited for the infamous camera that would be used. Gigi found out that Crystal was actually a photographer for a magazine company that was based out of Los Angeles. Crystal loved fun things, fun colors and being weird, which Gigi found enticing. 

Three soft knocks on the door finally brought their girls out of their conversation. Gigi shooed Crystal into her room to retrieve the camera from Nicky. Crystal listened to their faint conversation, hearing the thick french accent speaking with Gigi. 

"Anyways, thank you so much, I'm sure I'll figure something out with this stupid camera." Gigi said her goodbyes to Nicky, kissing her on the cheek and sent her on her way. She made her way back to her room and smiled at the girl who was sitting on her bed. 

"Let's get started, shall we?" 

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