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Niki knew her brother was hurting. Looking out the window of her treehouse, she saw him sit sadly at the pond, lonely. She wanted to help him, but she knew she couldn't. 

He'd lost his dear friend to the division at war, but the last thing given to him was a young fox. The fox, named Bello, was missing. He'd been gone for the past few weeks, Eret's last memory of his long lost friend was gone.

Niki couldn't help him, no matter how hard she tried. There was simply nothing she could do except keep sending guards out to search, knowing it was in vain.

She decided that trying to comfort Eret, albeit pointless, was her goal for the morning. Gracefully finding her way to the forest's floor, she maneuvered to the pond.

Eret was patiently kneeled over the pond, looking almost serene. Niki didn't want to disturb him, but she saw the pain in his face and wanted to help.

"Hey," Her soft voice leaked comfort into his face.

"Hi." He still sounded broken.

Niki knew mentioning names wouldn't lighten he situation, so she stayed with pronouns. 

"I- I know you miss him. I miss them too, o-okay?" This was harder than she expected as a tear traced her jaw.

He didn't respond, Niki wasn't surprised. She knew the conversation wouldn't give. Sadly, she got up and strode away.

She recalled the other things she needed to attend to. First priority, alliance with L'Manberg. She knew it couldn't be easy, nor did she expect it to be soon, but the Outerlands were weakening by the day. Her highest guards, Sir BadBoyHalo and Sir Skeppy, had both fallen too ill to work. They'd recover, but the Outerlands suffered with high loss, even temporary. Another lower guard, Ponk, had gone completely missing after a recent search for Bello.

The Outerlands needed reinforcement, and Niki knew deep down that L'Manberg was the only place she'd be able to find it.

"Where's Callahan?" She mumbles subconsciously to herself.

After a bit of wandering, she finds Callahan reading in a low tree with Alyssa. She waves to both of them.

"Callahan? Hey I need you to help me with the alliance again."

He nodded.

"Can you help me get a written detail of all the specifics and requests?"

After a slight thought, he nodded again.

"Alright let's start now, follow me." Niki says.

Kissing Alyssa on the cheek, Callahan is shortly behind. Niki leads him to her treehouse, and they continue writing what will hopefully ally the two regions.

Time passes quickly, Niki realizes, "Cal, we should get going now." She suggests.

Callahan makes a few last notes and sets the quill and book down. 

After tending to a couple more things, Niki settles down and reads before sleeping.

The next morning, Niki wakes with hopes of finalizing the details of the alliance. Checking the time, she ventures again to find Callahan.

The day passes just the same as the last, but this time, the writing is complete. They stash the pages and part ways. Niki, recalls her sorrowful thoughts from the day before. She sends out a search party, whether they search for Ponk or Bello, is not Niki's primary concern, either would be a comfort.

After another day of dull tasks, Niki decides that it's time to offer alliance with L'Manberg. Another guard had gone missing and they simply couldn't afford the losses anymore. Luckily, Sir Skeppy's state had improved enough for him to escort Niki.

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