halloween part one

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hello,and welcome to part one of my halloween oneshot series thing.there are two parts,each containing five individual oneshots of a ship,or a character or a group of people,etc.its also kinda weird that im writing this given as halloween isn't my preferred holiday but oh well.
sorry in advance for any typos.
the song lyrics are taken from the rocky horror picture show (if you know you know) which is a movie/musical.these oneshots happen on the same night (within the space of the same week-ish),but don't follow chronological order,as they jump around the timeline a bit.it should be easy enough to follow but it'll make more sense when part two comes out later on.i think that's all i needed to say,but if there's any more it'll be mentioned in part two.i hope you enjoy them
tw// very mild language,brief mention of more mature relationships (very,very,very brief) and partying/getting drunk (given as the legal drinking age in canada is nineteen,all characters who are in oneshots where they party are of that age or over it)

"i wanna go-
woah oh, oh oh oh
to the late night double feature picture show"

"I just don't know what we're going to do."
Izzy sighed,and reached across the room to grab a pencil.The three of them were sprawled across her brothers bedroom floor (as his room was cleaner than hers),trying to brainstorm ideas for their Halloween costume.
"We cannot loose to the Feldman twins.I actually refuse to."
"I know Oz,but currently,we have nothing."
She pointed out,tapping her pencil atop of her notebook,pondering over potential ideas.
"I know!"
The other boy finally speaks,gesturing wildly,"We can go as 'The Golden Trio'."


"You know,from Harry Potter!"
Realisation clicks in the sibling's faces.
"Heathcliff,that might just be the best idea you've ever had."
He smiles smugly,and the trio falls silent again.
"Well I think I'm the obvious choice for Harry."
"Well I'm definitely Hermione."
"So that makes me Ron?"
They smile at each other,and the youngest pushes herself off of the floor and onto her brothers desk chair,swiping a highlighter from his hand as she goes.
"I'm making a list!"
He grumbles something incomprehensible,and grabs his phone from it's resting place beside him.
"I can't believe it took us so long to work that out," Heath sighs,"To think we were considering going to the movie rental until we got inspired!"
Izzy laughs and Ozzy stops in his tracks,halfway through typing out a text message.
"We can't do this."
Two heads swivel to look at him.
"It's our best idea."
"Because Ron and Hermione end up dating.Which means you guys will end up dating."
The others roll their eyes.
"So what do you suggest?"
"I don't know."
They glare at him.
They fall into silence once more,and the only noise that can be heard is the rhythmic tapping of Izzy's pencil on the desk.

"Ah ha!"

She stops tapping her pencil,and turns her head,curls flying everywhere,to face the boys.
"We should go as the H2O girls."
"The what?"
"You know Emma,Cleo,Rikki."
"You know that's not a bad idea."
"When have I ever had a bad idea?"
"You really don't want me to answer that."
"Well I think Ozzy should be Cleo."
"I mean sure."
"So Iz,you can be Rikki and I can be Emma?"
"Sounds good."
"Let's go."

"here's a ring to prove that i'm no joker
there's three ways that love can grow
that's good, bad or mediocre"

Michelle stirred on the morning of November first with a pounding headache.The memories from last night were hazy,and as she looked around the room,blinking in the sunlight that streamed in through a crack in the curtains,she saw a figure lying on her floor that she didn't expect to see.
"West,"she whispered,in an attempt to wake him up.
He had stirred.
"Where am I?"
"It's Michelle,you're at my house."
He blinked.

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