Tfios Reference

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After I had washed my face and eaten dinner, I checked my phone. And to my surprise I had about eighteen missed calls, five voicemails and thirty texts.

"Miss Popular" I mumbled.

I scrolled through all the junk that Kim, Jenny and Emily sent. There was even one from Nate (Jenny's newest boyfriend). But I stopped as soon as I saw that Phil called me twice and texted me eight times. EIGHT TIMES!!!!! Without thinking, I tapped into the texts.
Phil: r u ok?
Phil: Zia???
Phil: Jen, Kim & Emily r yelling @ me
Phil: Zia??????????????
Phil: Call me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Phil: Y r u not calling us!!!!!!!!!!!
Phil: Sorry Kim stole my phone

The last one said that I had missed calls from him. I took a deep breath and started typing.
Zia: Sorry, I was asleep

I got a response in less then two minutes.
Phil: Oh good I thought u were ignoring me

I was reading the text when he sent another one.
Phil: How's life?
Zia: Fine u?
Phil: I should have listened to u about the burger
Zia: Why?
Phil: I got sick....
Zia: Eww..... Are u ok?
Phil: Yeah
Phil: Remind me never to eat BK again, okay?
Zia: okay
Phil: lol tfios reference
Zia: u read it?
Phil: Yup
Phil: I now hate John Green
Zia: Hahahaha
Phil: Sorry gtg
Zia: ttyt okay?
Phil: okay bye

I then heard a knock on the door. I put my phone on the bed and walked over to the door.

"Robert I know lights out" I said opening the door.

I froze when I saw who it was.

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