Hell Yeah or Hell No

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"Breakfast is ready!!!!" Robert screamed up the stairs.

Almost at the time Chris, Mac and I spirited down the stairs and sat down at the table. Robert sat down a plate of pancakes, bacon and maple syrup in front of Chris and Mac. He slipped into the kitchen, then came back with a plate of pancakes and maple syrup. I'm a vegetarian, because I always image a poor little animal on the plate. We wolfed it down, ran upstairs and got changed. I put on a black tank top with a Clockwork Angel on it and pair of shorts. Just as I was about to do my hair, I got a text from Kim.

'meet at burger king 4pm ps bring chris<3'

I almost got sick from the PS. Kim and Emily have a huge crush on my twin brother, it's sickening. I texted her back.

'Fine, he'll be there. No meat!!!!!'

I then did my hair into French plat and raced out the door. I then knocked on Chris's door.

"*Do you wanna build a snowman? Come on let's go and play!!!! I never see you anymore, come out the door...*" I sang.

"It's like you've gone away!!"  Chris finished.

"Kim has asked for our presence at BK."

"Kim.... okay let's go" he said, jumping up in the air.


"What took so long?!" Kim yelled at us, but mostly me.

"Not all of us have a car, Kim" Chris snapped back.

All my friends were gobsmacked, Chris only snapped, yelled or screamed when he was pissed, hurt or annoyed. As twins we're both different, he's the calm one and I'm the ill tempered one. It doesn't matter though, we're thicker than anything in this galaxy.

"Anyway, let's eat" Phillip said to break the ice.


"How can you eat that?" I gagged, looking at the most ugly burger ever.

"By not thinking" Phil said, taking the biggest bite he could.

I gagged as a joke, but I ended up laughing. Chris joined in laughing and then every one else started laughing.

"Anyone want to play, Hell Yeah or Hell No?" Emily asked us.

Hell Yeah or Hell No is a game we made up years ago. You ask a person a question that can be answered with Hell Yeah or Hell No and they must answer it honestly.

"Sure, you start" Jenny said sipping on her Diet Coke.

"Jenny, do you really have your own job?" Emily asked raising her eyebrows.

"Emmmm..... hell no" she went a quite at the end.

"We all knew the answer, I just wanted you to admit again"

"Okay my turn," she said, glaring at Emily.

There was a pause, Jenny was thinking. Her eyes flicked through us and landed on me. They lit up like a Christmas tree.

"Zia, would you kiss.... Phil?" she asked.

All the girls did a really annoying kissy faces. 'Fuck, fuck, fuck! Not Phil, please not Phil' I screamed in my head. I had a huge, giant, enormous crush on Phil, the first friend I ever had. I felt heat evaded my face, I knew I was bright red.

"Emmmmmm..... hell yeah"  I barley whispered the last part.

Phil went as red as I was, I felt bad that I embarrassed him.

"Well, Kiss then " Kim said, not just breaking the ice, but fucking destroying it.

Then Kim, Jenny and Emily started chanting 'Kiss Kiss Kiss' over and over again.

" We're leaving!!" I barked grabbing Chris's arm and dragged him away.

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