Next morning you wake up and are laying in nicks arms, but this time nobody's taking photos... You-nick, we have to go have breakfast N-no I want cuddles You-fine 5 more minutes N-yay 5 minutes later You-get up! N-fine You both get up and you wear this
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Then you both go downstairs T-oh hey Melanie! You-hey Thomas how did you sleep? Mi-he snores haha N-hey bro Nick says to chase and charli T-so guys we are throwing a party tonight for Melanie ok You-you don't have to K-we want to E-yeah You-ok I guess Then you walk to nick,chase and charli Ch-hey Melanie N-oh hey C-hi babes let's go get ready!! N-the party is in 3 hours you have time You-only 3 that's not enough time Ch-wow they Always take forever so lets go to the mall Nick N-sure bye girls C-bye Then you and char get ready
You both have the same outfit so you wear this
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Then you post this
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Photo. Creds are @charlidamelio bae Comments: @nickaustin; besties @petroutv: more than besties (nick and Melanie) ⏪Melanie.Jane;Thomas we are not
Comments done ✔️
3 hours later all the girls were sitting on the couch watching tv when all the boys came in TB-hey girls come outside were playing Truth or dare! TG-bet Everyone went outside and sat in the hot tub
T-ok I'll go first, Nick truth or dare! N-dare T-I dare you to kiss Melanie on the cheek N-uh dude she's my best friend,fine Then he gives you a kiss for 5 seconds on the cheek! Mi-finally You-it's not like we're dating it was a dare C-well Dixie truth or dare! D-truth C-ok do you like Noah D-yes! E-ohhhh After about an half hour playing it's your turn again Ja-hey Melanie truth or dare You-Dare Ja-ok make out with Nick N-WHAT You-pass Nb-you can't pass B-yes she can K-you guys already cuddle N-that was one time! You-yeah I pass Then you scream You-fine And you start to make out with Nick until you see your little brother Quinten in the doorway and you run to him and give him a hug Q-MELANIE JANE You-what? Q-you can't just make out with one of my friends N-dude it was a dare Q-fine I'm playing too N-that could have gone way worse You-yeah WAY worse Then you finish playing after about and hour and you ended up kissing Addison,Dixie,nick,Jaden and josh J-sway boys we are leaving now (Sway boys-SB) (hype house-HH) SB-okay bye HH-bye N-guys let's go to the mall! E-yeah let's go Ma-we are taking 3 Tesla's You-but there's one odd one Ad-well then sit on someone's lap You-who's? D-you can sit on my lap or nicks N-what did you just say Dixie You-I'll sit on dixie lap D-dang it N-really Dixie D-what is ship #nickel N-they found a name You-they always do nick TG-please sit on nicks lap You-omg stop Ry-guys let them be N-thanks Ryland You-yeah thanks Ch-can we go please hurry up You-fine I'll just sit on nicks lap E-thank you Melanie N- for real guys Then the girls go shopping and the boys go eat food TG-this was fun Then after 2 hours at the mall you all meet up at the car Tb-what did you girls do TG-shop N-let's go home now E-yeah Ch-hey Nick, Charli will sit on my lap so it's less awkward N-thanks dude C-hey chase Ch-hey char, will you sit on my lap in the car C-sure bby You-thanks char C-nope never mind I want #nickel to happen N-come on You-omg fine then I'll sit on his lap everywhere we go! E-yess N-she was joking You-yeah I was joking only this once E-fine Then you get home T-wait Melanie You-yes Thomas T- we cleaned out the spare room and made you a room! You-omg really Ry-Jaden and your brother designed it! You-thank you so much You gave them all hugs and went to your room it looked like this
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(Your room is beside nicks room btw) Then you all went to bed At 2:19 am you woke up and wandered downstairs to get a drink You got a nice fresh glass of (your favourite drink) And went upstairs, then you accidentally walked into nicks room instead of yours , you got into the bed and then felt a body beside you You-omg I'm so sorry N-who is that? You-Melanie, I'm sorry, i went downstairs and got a Drink and I came in to it room by mistake! N-it's ok,don't worry about it You-thank god it was you and not someone else N-aww thanks He blushed and you blushed N-your blushing You-what no.. You hide your face and go to walk out of the room when he says N-stop don't leave You-why not N-because I'm cold and I want cuddles You-ok Nicky The next morning you woke up around 7:42 am Nessa walks into your room to see you gone Nb-Melanie where did you go? ———————————————————————— Nessa Barrett Nessa-hey babes where are you, your not in your room You-oh yeah I'm sorry I'll be there in a sec just wait in my room Nessa-wait where are you? You-uh I'll be in my room in a sec ——————————————————————— Then you get dressed into this and head to your room
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Nb-hey Melanie where were you? You-oh I was just talking to someone! Nb-you were talking to Nick,wait did you guys sleep together.. You-uh....