Movie night Pt.2

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N-thanks chase that means a lot
You-let's just watch the movie!
Then there is a really scary part of the movie and you get scared so you hide in nicks Chest,he smells so good and he's so cute but you didn't say that out loud.
C-ok photo *takes photo of you and Nick*
ch-send them the photos so they can see how cute they are
After about 20 minutes into the movie and you fell asleep in nicks chest and then everyone came downstairs
Av-did she fall asleep in your arms
They woke you up saying that
You-shhh I'm tired
N-it's ok go back to sleep,bye guys!
E-bye lovebirds
C-hey nick between me and you, oh and chase I guess, do you like Melanie
N-I don't know, she's my best friend like she's the sweetest person in the world and my bestie!
C-she had the same answer...
Ch- you really do think alike
When the movie is over!
N-bye Charli, chase
Nick picks you up bridal style and takes me to my room,it's always cold
N-shit it's freezing in here
You wake up In coldness
You-it's ok,thanks
N-no you can't sleep in here,I'm gonna get Thomas to fix this tomorrow
You-thanks Nicky
N-come sleep in my room for the night,
You-thanks I don't know why my room is so cold
When you get to the bed you cuddle Nick with your head on his chest and his arms around your waist,that's when I realize I like nick you both fall asleep
In the morning
N-hey Thomas
T-yes nick
N-Melanie's room is freezing,can you fix it please
T-yeah but I don't wanna wake her
N-it's fine,she's in my bed
T-okay...wait you guys slept together?!
N-she was cold and I wasn't letting her sleep in an iceberg of a room!
T-ok I'll fix it rn
N-ok bye!
Melanie POV
I woke up in nicks bed, nick was gone so I thought I should wake up and get ready for the day! So that's what I did
I wore this

N-oh hey Melanie, Thomas is fixing your room rn!You-thanks-Right as you were saying Nicky and giving him a hug someone walked in Mi-ok Imma head outYou-it's ok what were you gonna say!Mi-Thomas told me to come get youN-ok let's goYou enter your ro...

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N-oh hey Melanie, Thomas is fixing your room rn!
Right as you were saying Nicky and giving him a hug someone walked in
Mi-ok Imma head out
You-it's ok what were you gonna say!
Mi-Thomas told me to come get you
N-ok let's go
You enter your room it's still cold
T-hey so turns out this isn't supposed to be a room so is it ok if you share with Nick again?
You-yes,I'll get my stuff
N-we can share right bestie
Mi-all you guys are gonna do is make out
N-eww no,
Then you go to the girls downstairs and Nick stays upstairs with the boys
K-ok so I heard you have to share a room with Nick again!
You-yeah it's fine tho,we're a lot closer now!
Nb-yeah I ship it
You-guys I have to say something
You-I think i like Nick
Tg-omg yess,as you should
Av-can you guys just date please
You-stop we aren't dating
Ant-who's not dating
Av-babe I haven't seen you in so long
Ant-let's go get ice cream, bye guys
Ry-let's go downstairs
Alex-let's listen to what they are saying
C-you should date
You-stop we aren't dating
Mi-yeah but you and Nick would be a cute couple
T-dude they are talking about you and Melanie
N-guys I think I like Melanie
Tb-finally let's go downstairs
They go downstairs and.....



Not sorry

Bye loves

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