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Her gaze felt like fire, burning away my flesh leaving me completely opened up and vulnerable right in front of her. Her fingers left trails of stars on my skin, the tingling sensation never left. She spoke as if she was reading straight of a poetry book and her words left me speechless. I was infatuated with her eyes, her bright blue eyes, they reminded me of the ocean and when she was sad they reminded me of the night sky.

She was the polar opposite to me but she once told me that we were like magnets and i knew that she meant it by the way that she looked into my eyes and ran one of her soft fingers along my cheekbone. I often told her that she was beautiful, and she’d smile and tell me that she already knew and that’s what i truly admired about her. She knew how beautiful she really was, no she wasn’t stuck up, she just loved herself the way every girl should. Some nights she’d go out to extravagant parties and wear a pair of skinny jeans and one of my AC/DC shirts just because she wanted the attention. She regularly told me how handsome i looked but i’d disagree because my hair was always a mess and my clothes were either a size too big or a size too small and the acne on my cheeks was embarrassing.

She always wanted to go on adventures with me and i’d agree because she had me wrapped around her small fingers and i couldn’t do anything about it. She’d take me to the park and climb tree’s with me or she’d drag me too a tattoo parlour and get a tattoo that meant something to her. After each adventure she’d end up with a dirty face, but it was pretty in a way and i’d laugh when she uses my shirtsleeve to wipe her face clean. 

She wore bright colours because she wanted to stand out wherever she went, she wanted people to know who she was because she was beautifully dangerous. She told off men that tried to treat her like she was any less of a human than them.

She always held my hand, but we weren’t a couple or anything, she just liked to hold my hand so she knew i wouldn’t leave her because that was her biggest fear. She looked like she was strong, and she was but she had her dark and rough patches and i was there to witness all of them, i’d seen the tears cascade down her cheeks from sadness and the way she screamed out because her heart hurt from loneliness.

I was left speechless the first time i witnessed her breakdown, it was like she had managed to suck the oxygen right out of my lungs. I held her hand that night, she clutched it as she sobbed into my shoulder and i wondered why such a strong girl could hide so much pain from everyone. And then i realised that she was an expert at lying, because everyday she wore a smile brighter than the sun and still managed to be sadder than i could have ever imagined.

But i still adored her when she shouted profanities at me and pushed me away, and i would still think she is the prettiest girl I’ve ever seen when her eyes are red an puffy and her nose is running. Her name was Paige, a simple 5 lettered word but every time her name escaped my chapped lips i fell deeper and deeper into her web of broken hearts and sad eyes.

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