twin betrayed by twin..

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George and y/n have been hanging out for almost a year now...George is almost certain he has a crush on y/n...but Fred used to like her he couldn't do this..he couldn't betray his best friend...(or could he..? 😏)  Until one day... George's POV: y/n looks do pretty today...I'm sorry Fred..I'm gonna do it... Y/Ns Pov: why is George staring...oh hes walking over here..! "Hey..." He says shyly. "Hey George!" You say smiling. George kisses y/n and asks her something...."will you be my girlfriend y/n?" "Yes!" You shout with tears in your eyes. George feels guilt washing over him, he chooses to ignore it and cuddle y/n. A couple weeks later y/n spots George staring at Angelina in admiration. " you have something to tell me?" Y/n  Huff's. "N-no not at all boo bear" y/n frowns "ok..." Y/n says sadly. You walk to the bathroom. "What's wrong?" Moaning Myrtle asks. "I- I just feel like George fell out of love..." "Oh.." she says sadly. "Its fine I'm sure he doesn't.." you think twice when you walk out and see...

Cliffhanger!! Ik I'm the best UwU

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