Ch.1~The weekend

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✿*¨゚✎*.:。✿ most of the time Denki is going to be the narrator so for him you'll just see: "Denki talking".
If you see "other narrator speaking" das me narrating lol.

This will take place in winter and in the dorms :>

*in Denki's room*

Denki talking:

*Playing video games with Sero*
"HA I BEAT YOU! Let's play another round... I want to see if I can beat you in level 5!"
Sero: "hahah okay fine but I'm gonna win this round!"
I wanted to play more video games with Sero.. "Hey! Today is friday the start of the weekend so we can play for as many hours as we want! Well only if you want to keep playing. Since we don't have school on saturday and sunday... oooo and monday since there's a holiday on that day". *i did a smol smile*
Sero: "hmmm maybe maybeee" * he puts his hand on his chain and does a dumb thinking face with a weird smile*
I was thinking, why he gotta make that dumb funny face. If Bakugou saw him doing that he would perhaps slap the back of his head and then Sero would try to get Mina to help him tape him on the wall for slapping him

Kirishima then came in my room, he didn't knock on the door as always...

Last tuesday we were getting ready for school and I barely came out of the shower and needed to get my clothes. I saw the door a little bit open since Sero came in to get a shirt of mine. I was heading to the door to close it and Kirishima just swings the door and I had my towel covering half my body and the towel almost fell..... But I grabbed it on time. "Kirishima what are you doing here?!! And why didn't you knock, can't you see that I'm half naked I just have my towel on!". Well this was his respond... "Yea you're naked, I can see you have your towel, it ok, I came here to get my weights". I swear he's such a sweet guy but he should always knock on the door T_T

Back to the story~~~~
So Kirishima came in and said: "Hey guys!! Got any plans for the weekend??"
"Uh well Sero and I were planning to playing video games, wanna join?"
Sero then said: "Well what you got on mind Kirishima?"
"Heyyyy, the video game!"
Well at least I won but now I want to know what Kirishima has in mind for the weekend
Kirishima then continued... "we should go to the mountains! There's going to be lots of snow and a carnival and of course food!!!
Sero and I looked at Kirishima and then we looked at each other and looked back at him, he had a big smile hahah.
Sero said: "Alright I'm in!
"I'm in as well!" I said. "Is it only going to be the three of us though? I think we should invite others as well"
Sero then said: "who you trynna invite?" *looks at Kirishima with a smirk*
"Well I was thinking that Bakugou, Mina and ofc Jirou should come"

Yeah this conversation took like 10 minutes..
Kirishima looked at Sero and then at me: "Mmmmm you think that Bakugou, Mina andddd Jirou should come???"
"Well yeah dude, aren't they our friends?" I said. *Sero still with that stupid smirk*
"Sero why do you have that stupid smirk on?"
Sero: "well you see.."
Kirishima: "don't yeah me dude, why Jirou? Why her huh?? Why not like any other girl, Kaminari.."
Ughhh why they gotta do this to meeeee...
I said: "Kirishima I literally said Mina as well, why are you ev-"
"SERO! I don't like Mina!!!! I only like-"
This was a mistake I didnt even get to finish...
"SERO SHUT UPPP" I punched Sero's shoulder, he deserved it for yelling and for saying that I like Jirou which I don't.
"guys I don't like Jirou, she's my best friend and just like that, nothing else" I walked over to my mirror. "..anyways you think that she would like this? Pretty sure she wouldn't, and I don't like her as well not that she's ugly because none of these amazing girls are ugly but still she doesn't like me"
Kirishima starts to talk: "You haven't even used your quirk today and ur saying stupid things already"
I was confused to what he meant but then he changed the subject and continued with the idea of going to the mountains
Kirishima: "okay i'll invite them three and maybe four more, also this trip is going to be tomorrow in the afternoon so in the morning or maybe tonight get some clothes and other stuff to bring with you since we are staying there for 3 days. I'll inform the others as well."
Sero and I just nodded.
Sero slapped me with his tape
"That's what you get for punching me" Sero said.
"I just punched your shoulder and you deserved it for yelling and for saying that I like Jirou"
"Well you do like Jirou, isn't she prettyyyy??"
"Yes she is very pretty to me, who wouldnt like her, I don't like her but-"
Sero gave me this suspicious face and put his hand on his chin
He interrupted..."hmmmm if you don't like Jirou then why would you say who wouldn't like her huh huh huhhhhhh"
I started to blush a little bit because I didn't think on what I said. I put my hands on face because I got embarrassed.
Kirishima then said: "Kaminari are you blushing?"
"Noo im not"
Sero: "Kirishima, Denki likes Jirou"

Seconds later Kirishima and Sero then left my room all giggly. I kinda felt lonely but it was fine. I was thinking about my quirk.. I really need to control this power or else I won't get anywhere near to being a pro hero. I was then thinking of who I should get help from, of course not Mr. Aizawa because if I ask him then he's going to make me do lots of work. A person I can actually ask is Midoriya. He writes everyone's quirk on his notebook and information of how we use it. I said: "wait a second ITS THE WEEKEND WHAT AM I DOING" I shouldn't be trying to train at this moment, it's only 5:30pm but still. But then again what if one of these days some villain comes out of nowhere and just attacks our school... Nah.
I saw one of Kirishima's weights that he left in my room again... I started to just exercise, needed to get my abs in better shape and my arms to get stronger.
30 minutes later~
I finished and went to go take a shower. I changed and then checked my phone. I saw the group chat that Kirishima made for the trip we have tomorrow afternoon...

trip :D

Hey guys don't forget to bring warm clothes since its going to be cold at the mountains

Hey Kirishima thank you for the invite!

Yeah no problem I wanted to invite Momo, Uraraka, Shoto and you as well!

You really invited DEKU?! OUT OF ALL THE PEOPLE YOU DECIDED TO INVITE HIM?! Just great very great... Oh and you also invited half and half bastard. •_•

Bakugou don't be like that, I wanted to invite other people as well, and anyways you barely even talk to them

Kacchan T_T did you not learn anything with hero Jeanist...


Im not even talking BUT IM SORRY

Hi guysss 'ω'




Hello!!! ^ω^

Whats up... I was just about to go to your dorm and ask you what time we are going tomorrow

2pm. Don't forget!!

I then left my phone and ate some chips I had in my room and got ready for bed. I was laying down staring at my ceiling that was covered with glow and the dark sticker stars. I was thinking about the fun trip we are going to have tomorrow. Can wait touch snow and be with my friends and especially Jirou.
I was confused on what I was just thinking... Well Jirou is my best friend since middle school and only my best friend which means I don't like her. Aahhhhh I swear Sero and Kirishima started to mess with my head. Well she's super pretty and gets shy when I mention about her room heheh.. WTF WHAT AM I SAYING...
After three minutes I then felt sleepy and started to fall asleep.
I didn't sleep that well... I had this nightmare...

Word count: 1492, if u read thank youuuu!! this is my first story/chapter and I got inspired by other stories especially the kamijirou ones :33. If I have any mistakes or u have any ideas for them future chapters feel free to comment.
Be nice!!
Okay have a nice morning/afternoon/night! ʕ•ﻌ•ʔ


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