Ch.3~The trip

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*゚¨゚✎*.:。Hello, so far these chapters are taking place in autumn/winter. So today is Halloween. When I post this it's going to be Nov 2.

Denki talking:

...After I told Mina, Sero and Kirishima my dream, the three of them were crying and it made me giggle but also feel bad. I told them that I needed to shower so they then left my room.

I finished showering and checked my phone and saw that I had a notification from my calendar. I forgot that today was Halloween!! I can't believe I forgot about this important date. I changed into a dark blue shirt and black jeans. I put on my white socks and then my black converse. I brushed my teeth and fixed my hair. I went to my closet and was looking for my hamburger costume that I bought at the beginning of September. I was planning to take it to the trip since Kirishima told me this morning that it's going to be Halloween themed so I got excited. Since we were leaving at 2pm and I didn't want to pack at the last minute, I started to pack and get stuff ready. Sometimes I be running late when it comes to trips and then my friends get mad at me. So I packed everything and lastly put my hamburger costume in the suitcase.
I then went out my room and went to the living room. Iida was cooking breakfast and Midoriya and Uraraka were helping set up the tables and cleaning the counters.

"Oh hey Kaminari!" Midoriya said with a big smile and waved at me.
"Hey Midoriya!" I waved back with a big smile. "What is Iida cooking today?".
"Uh I think he is making pancakes right now and he just finished making scrambled eggs"
Uraraka: "Denki can you help us put the cups on the table and poor orange juice on every cup for each person please"
"oh yea no problem" They seemed in a happy mood, maybe because it's the weekend and we are going to a fun trip. "Hey guys are you going to take your Halloween costumes to the trip?" I asked.

"Hey guys!" I heard Sero, Kirishima and Mina and him coming to the living room.
"Hellooo!!" Uraraka said in a happy mood.
"Hey Uraraka" Mina waved.
"hello, I was just talking to Midoriya and Uraraka about the trip, are you guys going to take your Halloween costumes?
Midoriya and the rest replied with a yes. I was glad that I wasn't the only one who was going to take my costume.

"Good morning! We are back, also Iida I brought the groceries that you told me to get" Momo said. Jirou and her just came back from shopping. "hello guys" Jirou said.
"Hey Jirou!" I gave her a big smile.
She blushed and looked the other way. She went to go sit down on the couch. It was kinda cute not going to lie...
"Thank you Momo for buying the ingredients" Iida said. Momo then went to go help Iida and the rest.
I finished poring orange juice on every cup and was heading to my room to get my phone.

"Hey Kaminari" Jirou said.
"What's up?"
"Catch what?" I questioned. I caught what she tossed me and it was a cute keychain. The design was a duck with lightning around it. I looked at her

"I got you this keychain because it reminded me of you" she gave me a small smile and blushed a little.
"Aw thank you!! I love it, it's adorable!"
I saw her face getting red and she put her head down and was looking at her phone.
"y-yeah no p-problem"

I then saw the rest of the people that were in the living room and kitchen looking at us
"E-eh EHHH?!!" I yelled. It felt like I was blushing because my cheeks were getting really warm.
Iida: "Kaminari no yelling, there's still some of our classmates sleeping"
"Aw sorry"
Jirou laughed at me.
"Kaminari I just told you to not yell" Iida said.
"I'm sorryyy". I went to my room and put the keychain on my suitcase. I was going to show Jirou in the living room but I didn't want the rest of the people to stare at us. And if I called or texted Jirou to come to my room they would question it. So I grabbed my phone and took a picture of it and sent it to Jirou with a text message.

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