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Jirou's p.o.v:

Kaminari was carrying me to the house that was 10 minutes away. I was so tired that I rested my head on his shoulder. I still couldn't feel my legs nor could be able to talk. Not only I couldn't feel my legs but I wanted to sleep and listen to music. I just want peace and quiet to myself and all by myself. Whats funny is that everybody thinks that I can't hear them. I also noticed that everyone had their suits, not a single person had their costume on. I had a feeling that their costumes got ruined just like mine. I didn't like the maid outfit that much, I only wore it to match with Momo but it was pretty. Kind of glad that I wasn't wearing it anymore, I'm not a really big fan of dresses unless it's my style then yes. I noticed that while I was thinking, Kaminari stopped walking. I didn't hear the rest of the class voices, they were slowly fading away. I didn't lift up my head but softly squeezed his arm.

"Oh you're awake? I know you'te tired and I'm tired as well. Jirou, im not really sure if you can hear me or not but since you haven't said anything it's okay" well I can hear him but whatever pff. He waited until the class was not close to us. "We'll have a nice and peaceful walk, just me carrying you while I speak. When we get to the dorms I'll buy you some food. Can't tell you what food though since its going to be a surprise... Wait you can't hear me though haha. I uhhh actually don't know what to get you though" Well at least he hasn't told me what the food is hahah. "what if I get you a strawberry smoothie and some hot cocoa to make later... You and I can spend time in one of our dorms and just have a calm day. Im saying this because I haven't spend that much time with you and I feel bad. Like I do hang around with you but don't give you much attention. Also since you got me that cute keychain, I'm going to get you something too! Just something nice for you because you deserve it. Also I care about all my friends and I care about you so much. I got really upset and angry that you left with Mustard. I'm sorry for yelling at you, I just didn't want you to leave me, well us... I care about you and same as the others. I'm just happy that you're here with me. I don't want you to leave like that again... please. It doesn't matter if I get injured, I'm going to protect you no matter what! Uh oh, I should speed things up, you need to be taken care of, ahhh im sorryyyy!! I just wanted to talk to youuuu!"

Kaminari has a great heart that it makes me happy that I have an amazing friend like him. He's so sweet that it makes me smile that he cares for others and cares for me a lot. While he was talking I tried to talk but the only thing that came out was: ah. So I put my hand on his cheek, I was shy to do that but I did it anyways. I tried to speak again and words finally came out of my mouth.

Denki talking!!:

"Oooo I was planning to have a day to myself, how about you and I hang out at your dorm. I'll bring my guitars so you and I could play. What If you and I go shopping and get hot cocoa and other snacks! Also I won't leave you like that again..." Jirou responded back to what I said.
"Jirou! You can talk now! How do you feel? Wait you heard all of that?"
"Of course I did eh heh, I was able to hear since the beginning but I was too weak to speak. My legs are weak right now and I can't walk that's why I fell down to the ground. So ehh uhh thank you for carrying me.."
"Ohhh, well at least you can speak now. What happened to your face and wrist?" Jirou stayed silent for a little bit but then started to talk.
"He slapped me and held my wrist tightly so I now have a red mark on my cheek and wrist because of him. But eventually these marks will go away" She was trying not to make me worry so I just let that pass.
"Hey hey, when we get back to our dorms, i'll let you have a day to yourself. You need to rest and then the next day we can hang out at my dorm and go shopping... Yeah?"
"Yeah Kaminari, that's fine"

We were at the house and there were people talking and the volume was kind of loud. Some classmates were helping others with their injuries. "ah ouch, careful Momo" "Sorry Mina I need to clean your palms, look at these deep cuts you got". "Bakugou may I see your burn mark?" "Get away from me Iida... I'm fine!! Tch". "Bakugou you should really take care of those cuts! Tsu-chan let me wrap your arms with this cloth" "Thank you Sero". "Ochaco-chan are you doing okay?" "Oh yeah I'm fine Kirishima I was just thinking about what just happened" "It's okay, I'm sure we will go back to our dorms and be having fun". "Shoto how are you feeling?" "Right now I'm really tired so I'm going to sleep, see you tomorrow Tokoyami".
I gently placed Jirou on the couch. You can tell she was sleepy because she couldn't keep her eyes opened. It was around 10:26pm. I went to the kitchen to wet a towel to clean Jirou's face and when I came back she had fallen asleep. "Jirou? Hello? OH-". I was slowly taking off her bandages and started to clean her face.
"hey Kami-"
"Ah Sero, you scared me, what's up"
"I'm sorry for arguing with you..."
"Nooo, this is my fault, don't apologize, I was just angry and let out my anger to you on accident. So don't apologize eh heh" I scratched my head and fist bumped Sero.
"Wait, I forgot that you got stabbed in your arm, let me take care of that"
"It's okay Sero, it might hurt but I need to take care of Jirou first.... Heyy guys can you keep the volume low please? Thank you!" The room got quiet and only Sero and I were talking.

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