Getting Caught By Zach

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Light: OH MY GOD

(Zach starts to laugh out loud.)

Zach: So, I won't tell anybody what happened!

Light: Really?

Zach: Yeah, BUT only if you ALWAYS listen to me in the future.

Light: Oh okay, deal!

Zach: Okay let's go! Let's leave before anybody notices!

Light: Oh okay!

(Light and Zach decided to take a secret way to Light's house. They eventually reached to his house. Zach said goodbye to Light, and then Light goes upstairs and took off his clothes. He put his clothes in his washing machine, then he turn on the bath. A few minutes later, he got in the bath tub. The color of the bath water soon turned into red. [You know. Because of the blood])

The Next Day!

Charli's P.O.V

I woke up and got ready for school. I realized that I woke up 30 minutes earlier than I was supposed to. I decided to turn on the TV, and I was surprised to see the news. Apparently, a kid at my school were murdered. He was stabbed 5 times. He was slit in the neck, stabbed in the stomach, stabbed in both eyes, and then stabbed in the heart. I saw this, and smiled.

End Of P.O.V

It's What We Have To Do (An Inquisitormaster Light x Charli Yandere Story)Where stories live. Discover now