Charli: Man what is this punishment! We in trouble for talking in class, and our punishment is having to stay in a locked classroom...
Zach: Isn't the weirdest punishment I have been in!
Light: Uhhhhhh okay then...
Charli: Weirdo...
Zach: Oh I'm weird? Because funny story! LIGHT COME OVER HERE!
Light: What?
Zach: Funny story Charli, because I specifically remember you hi-
Charli: Nononononono I'm sorry I take that back!
Zach: That's what I thought!
Light: Uhh you guys are weird
Zach: Oh really, because I thought it was weird when you k-
Zach: I have so much power! >:3
(Zach, Light and Charli just sat down quietly for 5 minutes, until Zach decided to break the silence)
Zach: So, what did you guys do? Anything interesting? >:)
Charli: Not really... Light?
(Light started to have flashbacks. Light stabbing Jaxx five or six times with a knife. The screams from Jaxx. The blood that was all over his clothes and body. Light felt like he was gonna die inside.)
Light: I-I'm fine
Charli: You don't sound fine. Are you actually fine?
Light: Charli, I need to tell you something...
Charli: What is it, Light?
(Light and Charli both walked to the corner of the classroom.)
Light: You know how a student named Jaxx got murdered recently?
Charli: Yeah... what's the matter
Light: I k-killed him.
(Charli just looks at Light with shock. Somebody that cute had the ability to murder. Then Charli asked this.)
Charli: So, how did it feel? And how did you do it?
Light: WAIT WHAT!!!
Charli: Yeah! Explain how it was like! I murdered somebody as well!
Light: I- I- I-
Charli: How did you kill him?
Light: : uhh... I took a knife, slit his neck, stabbed both his eyes, and then stabbed his heart....
Charli: AWESOME! I killed somebody too!
Light: Wait when?
Charli: Probably an hour and a half ago!
Light: What! Where is the dead body!
Charli: I dug it! lol she deserved every last bit of pain!
Light: Ummm I'm a bit scared...
Charli: Don't be! Either way, you killed Jaxx, lollipop
Light: Hey I guess we have a bit in common...
Charli: Yeah!
Light: What if we were to hang out later?
Charli: I would love too!
Zach: Wat you talking about?
Charli & Light: EEEEK!
(The End)

It's What We Have To Do (An Inquisitormaster Light x Charli Yandere Story)
FanfictionInspired By:𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄-𝐌𝐄-𝐁𝐀𝐂𝐊-𝐢𝐧𝐪𝐮𝐢𝐬𝐢𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫-𝐟𝐟 Have you heard of the saying "Love Can Kill"? Well two people named Charli and Light did. When hey first heard it, they just thought it...