The Second Murder

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Charli P.O.V

I started to walk to school. My house was really close to my school. If something we're to happen, I would just use my pepper spray and spray anybody that came near me with the intention to hurt me. Luckily, I did not need to use it YET! I went to school and just gossip with some girls. I was with my friends Alex and Jade, and apparently another girl named Courtney.

Courtney's Appearance

Skin: Tan

Hair: Brown

Colour: Brown

Me, my friends, and this Courtney girl were just asking questions to each other. Everything was fine until Jade asked this.

End Of P.O.V

Jade: So, Courtney, do you like anybody?

Courtney: I like Light! That kid is so cute!

(Charli just gives Courtney a death stare)

Alex: Well the bell rung! It's time to go to class I guess!

Jade: Bye

Alex: Bye!

Courtney: Bye-

Charli: Bye...

(Throughout the rest of the school dag, Charli have been staring at Courtney. Charli would occasionally look at Light, but she would specifically just look at Courtney, like she was gonna do something. At one point, Charli took out a piece of paper and starting to write terrible things about Courtney. Here are the things she wrote about Courtney)

Break her limbs

Set her on fire

Push her off a cliff

Twist her head

Suffocate her

Hang her

Murder her family

Shoot her in the eye

Stab her with a knife

Stab both her eyeballs

Slice her neck

Poison her

Leave her in the woods

Charli: There are so many things I can do, yet I wanna do all of them to that bastard!

(Time past. It is now free time for them. Charli was just walking. She just couldn't help but have a feeling that she was being watched, but  she could not see anybody or anyone. She continues to walk around. She eventually gets to the green house and saw COURTNEY in there! Charli knew that this was her chance! There was no security in that area, so she can do anything, but she would have to do it fast! She gets and idea of knocking her out with a shovel and burying her. She grabs a shovel and was about to wack her, until Courtney turned around and grabbed her by the arm. Courtney punched Charli, giving her a little cut, but Charli knew that she needed to kill her. Charli grabs a chainsaw and swings at her arm! Courtney is yelling in excruciating agony. Charli legit cute her hand off. Blood splatter everywhere, and also all over Charli. Charli grabs the shovel and sacks Courtney with it yelling these specific words.)


(At this moment, Courtney died. Charli got the chainsaw and cut her up in smaller pieces. She dug a hole and buried her. She tried walk out. Remember when she though somebody was watching her? Well, somebody was! It was Zach!)


Zach: Hehe

Charli: Please say you didn't see that!

Zach: Oh girl, I saw all of it!

It's What We Have To Do (An Inquisitormaster Light x Charli Yandere Story)Where stories live. Discover now