Chapter 1: Replacement

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A few years ago...
Eric Pov

"Who's gonna replace Mark for the tour?" I asked, playing with the drumstick in my hand as I sat on my drum kit. Our guitarist Mark had to quit the band, (because of something with pain in his hands) and now we needed someone new to fill in for the Animalize tour. We were sitting in Paul's mini studio in his house, and he invited a lead guitarist to audition for us. Paul smiled.

"I've got the perfect replacement. Bob Kulick's little brother, Bruce."

"Bruce? That kid that you and I met back in '82?" Gene snorted. Paul glared at Gene. "Let's see if he can play."

"Oh, he can play." Paul shot back, smirking. "And he's nice. You guys'll like him. And he'll be here in about five minutes." And with that, we heard a knock on the door. "Or now, actually. I'll go and get him."

"Okay, we'll be here." Gene and I sat around, waiting for Paul to bring this Bruce guy up. "I don't know what Paul is thinking. We don't even know this guy."

"Oh come on Gene, Paul's usually good at picking new people." I replied. "Besides, let's give this guy a chance."

"Oh like Vinnie?" I rolled my eyes at Gene. "Okay, fine. If you're certain, Eric." Gene shrugged, before going back to tuning his bass.

Finally, we heard footsteps, and in walked in Paul, and behind him was a man who was carrying both his amp and a guitar. He was holding the amp in both his arms, which blocked the view of his face from me.

"I told you that you didn't need to bring an amp, Kulick." Paul said, as he walked in the room.

"It's fine." He chuckled. "I bring my amp almost everywhere. Just let me..." He carefully put the amp down, which finally let me take a good look at his face.

He had long, dark hair, and dark brown eyes that were almost covered by his bangs. He had a nice jaw as well, along with a small dimple on his chin. And damn, he was tall. Super tall.... which made me feel super small.

"Okay. Eric, Gene, this is Bruce Kulick. Bruce, this is Gene, who've you already met I think, and Eric."

"Hey Gene." He shook hands with Gene, before turning to look at me. "And you're Eric Carr." All the sudden, I felt very shy. I mean, I kinda always get shy with new people. But this felt... very strange.

"Yeah, that's me." I replied, before quickly grabbing his hand and shaking it. A small smile formed on his lips, and he shook my hand back. "It's nice to- meet you and all."

"Yeah, it's cool to meet you too." He nodded, before turning back to Paul. "I've gone over the set list and learned every song, just so you know-"

"Wait, Paul gave you the set list yesterday." Gene laughed. "You couldn't have possibly learned everything. You're just a kid; you're probably lying-" I glared at Gene.

"C'mon Gene, give him a chance!" I didn't know why, but I felt protective of him. Very protective. I felt my face turn bright pink, as Paul, Gene and Bruce stared at me. "I- uh- look. Bruce seems to be a nice guy, and he has all the right equipment, so let's give him the benefit of the doubt."

"I- fine, if you're so certain, Eric." Gene stuttered. Bruce was still staring at me, but then slowly smiled. I smiled back at him.

Turns out, I was right. Bruce was a perfect fit for KISS. He played everything perfectly, while adding his own great touch to the songs. It was nice hearing him play for the first time. And there was something about him... something special. But I didn't know what was so special about him.

After he played for us, and the four of us played together for a few hours, Gene and Paul were convinced Bruce was an amazing replacement for Mark.

"Okay, it looks like I was wrong about you, Bruce." Gene said, putting his bass down. "And looks like Eric was right."

"Mhm, I totally was." I chuckled, laying my drumsticks to the side and standing up. I walked over to Bruce, and pointed at him. "You sir, are gonna be a great addition to the band."

"Aw, thanks." Bruce smiled. "That means a lot coming from the drummer of KISS himself." I felt my face burn up again, as I smiled widely back at him.

"Of course, you're really good." I replied. Paul stood up.

"Anyway, it looks like we're done here. Bruce, you may want to start packing for the tour. We're leaving in four days."

"Yessir." Bruce nodded. "I'll get packing as soon as I get home."

"Good." Paul smiled. "Now, I have a date with a girl in an hour, and I want all of you out of my house." We all laughed for a moment, before Paul crossed his arms. "Seriously, out."

"Okay Paulie. Bye!" Gene chuckled, picking up his bass case and walking out. Bruce put his guitar in his case and zipped it up, as I just picked up the drumsticks and laid them on one of the drums.

Bruce and I walked out of Paul's house together, in silence. Then he spoke up.

"Thanks for kinda defending me back there with Gene." He said. I nodded.

"Of course! Don't worry, he's a nice guy once you get to know him and stuff, but sometimes he's kind of a big idiot." With that sentence, Bruce bursted out laughing, which caused me to start laughing myself.

"Gene Simmons, a big idiot?"

"Shhh, don't tell him I said that." I giggled. "He'll warm up to you though, I promise."

"I hope so." He smiled. "But hey, you seem really cool, Eric."

"Hey, you're pretty cool yourself. Maybe we should hangout during the tour!"

"I'd like that. I can use a friend." He nodded, as we wandered to his truck. "Well, I gotta go. It was nice meeting you Eric."

"It was nice meeting you too. Bye Bruce!" He got in his truck, waved bye to me, and drove off. He seemed like he'd be a good friend.

And he was, but years later, things changed.

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