Chapter 7: Breakfast

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Gene Pov

Since yesterday, I couldn't help but notice how upset Eric was. He seemed very upset, and he wouldn't talk about what happened.

So I was gonna make him talk.

I walked over to his hotel room, and knocked on the door. After a minute, he opened it, and it was obvious he had been crying.

"Hi Gene..."

"Hey Eric. Do you wanna get breakfast with me?" I asked, smiling. He thought for a minute. "Oh c'mon, it's all on me, and you can get anything you'd like."

"Well that does sound nice... wait. You're paying?" He asked.

"For anything you want, Eric." I nodded.

"Hm..." He gave me a suspicious look, before nodding. "Fine."

"Good." I nodded. We walked across the street to this diner, which was next to a bar... I think Bruce and Eric went to that bar. I'd have to ask Eric.

We went inside the diner (which thankfully had almost no one in it) and I brought him to the farthest table from anyone.

"So, what do you think you're gonna order?" I asked, smirking as he looked at the menu.

"Hm, I'm not sure! There's too many options!" He chuckled. "I want pancakes and waffles and bacon and toast and eggs and-"

"Slow down, Pipsqueak." I chuckled. "First, you're gonna tell me what's going on with you and Bruce." The smile fell from his face, and he glared at me.

"That was your plan? To bribe me with breakfast? I told you, I can't talk about it."

"And why not?" I asked. "Look Eric, you've been really upset recently; I can tell. And I wanna know what's bothering you. And besides, ooh look, pancakes! You can have as many pancakes as you want if you tell me." I pointed to the pancakes on the menu. "And you can get as much syrup as you want too."

"That is tempting... But Bruce'll get mad-"

"Bruce doesn't need to know that I know. I won't tell a soul, okay?"

"I... okay. But you have to promise to not tell anyone!"

"I promise." I said. "Now, what do you want for breakfast?"

The waiter walked up to us, and Eric ordered a whole lot of stuff from the menu (I'd say about half of it), while I just a bunch of food too. The order would take a while, but now we had time to talk.

"So what happened?" I asked, as the waiter walked away. Eric's face turned bright red, and he looked down.

"Well... remember when Bruce and I went to the bar?"

"Yeah, did you two make-out or something?" I joked, chuckling. Not like they'd do that... Eric's eyes widened, and his face somehow turned even more red.

"We did a lot more than making out." My eyes widened. Wait I was kidding.

"What?!" I whispered. "Like what?"

"We did stuff Gene! Stuff!" He whispered back.

"Like sex?"

"Yes! And we did it while we were drunk cause we thought it'd be a good idea to drink a whole bottle of vodka together and we had sex or did something sexual cause we were both naked when we woke up!" He rambled, quietly freaking out.

"Well what did he say?" I asked.

"He didn't say anything! He just said 'oH! leTs jUsT nEVeR tAlK abOuT thIS agAIn! tHis nEvEr hApPenEd!' And he now won't fucking talk about it!" He yelled quietly, slamming his fist on the table. My eyes seemed to widen even more. He was more angry than I thought.

"Eric maybe you should calm down-" I tried saying, before he put his face in his hands for a second.

"I just want him to talk to me, Genie!" He mumbled. "But he yelled at me for wanting to talk to him about it!"

"Oh man... I'm sorry Eric. That must hurt." I said, frowning. "I was certain he liked you back..." Wait. I have an idea. "But hey, let's forget about Bruce for now, and let's eat, okay?" Eric sniffled, wiping the tears from his eyes.

"Okay... thanks for letting me vent, Gene."

"Of course, Eric." I smiled, patting him on the shoulder.


I knocked on Paul's hotel door repeatedly, until he finally opened it.

"What do you want?" He asked. "I'm getting ready for the show-"

"I need you to do something for me." I said. Paul gave me a weird look.

"And what would that be?" He asked. I walked into his hotel room, and closed the door behind us. "Gene what's going on?"

"I need you to find out as soon as possible if Bruce has a crush on Eric."

"WHAT?!-" I put a hand over his mouth.

"Shut up! Look I know what I'm asking sounds weird but Eric and Bruce got into a huge fight over some dumb shit and it has something to do with Eric liking Bruce and it's weird okay?" I explained. "Nod if you understand."

Paul shook his head, before taking my hand off his mouth.

"I- What?"

"I know, I know, but we can't afford the band falling apart!" I insisted.

"I... okay I barely understand what you're saying. But I'll see if Bruce likes Eric, okay?" Paul crosses his arms.


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