Chapter 12: Please?

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I smiled as I put my frozen pizza in the oven, preparing myself dinner. I didn't really feel like going out, so this was obviously the best option. Besides, frozen pizza's the best!

I grabbed myself a soda from the fridge, and poured it into a glass, before taking a sip. Soda and pizza; the perfect dinner-


Huh? I cocked an eyebrow. What was that?


It sounded like something was hitting one of my windows repeatedly... it's probably a bird-

clink clink clink

"Okay, what's going on?" I asked myself, walking to the window in my bedroom. I opened the window wide open, expecting a tree branch or some type of animal, but instead,

And it's getting more and more absurd. My ears perked up. Elton John? Who's playing Elton John in front of my- oh, it's Bruce.

It's sad, so sad, so sad,
Why can't we talk it over?
Oh it seems to me
That sorry seems to be the hardest word

What have I do to make you love me, oh...

He was standing there, holding up a radio high as he could in the pouring rain, which made my heart break. His hair was soaking wet, along with all his clothes, and he was staring directly into my eyes with the saddest expression I had ever seen on him.

I stared back at him, not sure what to do. Then I simply closed my window, feeling my heart break even more and immediately regretting shutting the window.

I just don't think I'm ready to talk yet. But I know I have to talk to him soon. And I will talk to him soon! Just not today... It was a nice gesture though... I wonder if he's still there.. I kinda hope he is.

I peeked in the window, and no, he got in his car, and drove off, probably even more upset at me... I feel really bad now. Really bad.... I felt my eyes burn with tears... damnit Eric why do you keep pushing him away like that?


A few days later, I was basically doing nothing. It was kinda boring being not on tour, or recording an album, or rather anything with the band. I wish we could record another album soon... maybe in a few weeks. But what would keep me from being bored until then?

All the sudden, I heard my phone ring. Well hey, that's something to do. I walked over to the phone and picked it up.


"Yeah could you please talk to Bruce now?" And, that was Paul. I sighed.

"I'll talk to him soon Paulie, I just need-"

"Enough with your time! Bruce has been trying to get you to talk for a whole week, and you just keep ignoring him! This is what he was doing to you, and you didn't like it, so stop!" He snapped. My eyes widened. He was right... I had to stop ignoring Bruce but-


"He's put a bunch of stuff in front of your front door and he's probably hiding somewhere hoping you like it. Just please go and talk to him."

"Well-" I didn't have time to respond, as Paul hung up on me. What did he mean he's put stuff near my apartment-

Knock knock knock

Damnit can't I think for two seconds?! I put the phone back and I walked to the front door. I opened it, and looked down. Wow...

On the floor sat about two dozen roses, along with a card, and a huge teddy bear holding a box of chocolates. I glanced around, before spotting Bruce peering at me from behind the corner, which was behind a large plant. He must've thought he was well hidden... but he really wasn't. I could've hid there perfectly, being small and all- but that's besides the point.

I looked back at the stuff and smiled. They were nice gifts, I guess he did care about our friendship. I picked it all up, before bringing it inside my hotel room. Then I quickly walked back out, seeing Bruce in the same place, staring at me. I rolled my eyes, before walking over to him. His eyes widened, as he realized his cover was blown.

"Hey." I said.

"..." He didn't say anything back, instead he just looked away. I frowned.

"I... I like what you got me. It's real sweet of you." I said softly. He quietly nodded.

"Mhm." He mumbled. There was an awkward amount of silence, before I decided to speak up.

"I'm ready to talk to you." He looked back at me, his eyes filling up with tears.

"I... I'm sorry-"

"Let's talk about it in my apartment, okay?" I said, tucking some of his hair behind his ear. He nodded.

There was a lot to talk about.

Radar For Love - Eric Carr x Bruce KulickWhere stories live. Discover now