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When his phone chimes at eight am and he's brushing his teeth, Jeongguk immediately knows who it is without even looking.

There's only one person in the chat who wakes up and immediately texts everyone to see what they're up to.

He rolls his eyes and finishes his task before opening Taehyung's text.

Kim Taehyung
Good morning!!
Are you guys doing anything today?

short hyung 🐥
Hobi and I are thinking of heading to the studio later but I'm free now, what's up?

Jin hyung 🐹
I don't have any plans today

Kim Taehyung
I was thinking we could get breakfast or something since I don't have work today

Jeongguk purses his lips, thinking through his plans for today. He didn't exactly have any obligations, he was thinking he'd head to the studio today like he always does, but breakfast with the others sounds nice.

short hyung 🐥
Omg yes please
Where should we meet?

There's a really nice breakfast place on Main Street

Jin hyung 🐹
I love that place!
I think it's called Butterfly Cafe or smth
Let's go there 😍

shorter hyung 🐱
it's too early for this
why are you guys blowing up my phone

short hyung 🐥
Good morning hyungie!!
We're going to breakfast 🤩

Kim Taehyung
Let's meet there in an hour
If that works for everyone

shorter hyung 🐱
have fun
im sleeping in for the next three hours

short hyung 🐥
I wanna kiss you good morning 🥺

shorter hyung 🐱
okay okay I'll be there
curse you morning people

Jeongguk scrunches his nice in distaste of how cheesy Jimin and Yoongi are. Pocketing his phone, he heads back to his room and dresses for the day. He usually dresses casual for an outing with friends, but he hesitates when he reaches for his simple white tee shirt.

Maybe he should try to dress nice today. Not for any particular reason, maybe except to catch someone's eye, maybe get someone's number. Jimin was right the other day, he hasn't gotten laid in a while.

He grabs the white shirt, a pair of simple blue jeans, and ignores his usual black hoodie, instead opting for the nice matching jean jacket to throw over his shoulders. He even adds a belt for the sake of his aesthetic. Ruffling his dark hair, he reaches for his keys and heads out.

The cafe isn't far, and since they have an hour to meet, Jeongguk chooses to walk around the streets for a while to kill time. He plugs in his headphones and just walks for sometime, until he's walked a little far from their meetup place and decides it's time he heads back anyway.

By the time he reaches the restaurant, it's eight fifty am, he's got a good ten minutes before the others show up so he asks for a table in the busy restaurant, hoping one big enough for their group will open up within that time.

between heaven and disaster | jjk + kth ✔️Where stories live. Discover now