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"Jeez, you could at least try to hide your excitement." Yoongi says sarcastically, watching Jeongguk's shoulders slouch in disappointment when he walks through their front door.

"Sorry, hyung." The youngest mumbles. "I just thought—" you were Taehyung. He bites his tongue, trying to stomp out the flame of hope he's had for the last three weeks.

Taehyung had never missed a movie night. Not until three weeks ago when everything went down.

Jimin has supposedly tried as best he could to persuade his best friend to join them to no avail. The other just isn't up to seeing people. Including his closest friends.

"He's hurt and embarrassed, it's not that he doesn't want to hang out." Jimin tells them. "He's also... working through some stuff. He's not in a good mental state."

Hearing this wouldn't have bothered or even interested Jeongguk months ago. He isn't sure when it all changed but he feels for Taehyung. In a way he knows he has no right to.

And to anyone else it would seem like pity. Or maybe they would chalk it up to the fact that Taehyung also has stopped dropping food off for him, which sounds incredibly selfish and self centered. And yet, he knows it's what his friends are seeing of him. Because he's never given any of them a reason to think otherwise.

Namjoon's hand squeezes his shoulders and Jeongguk realizes he never finished his sentence, but the others know. They seem to understand why he's been this way, why this is affecting him the way it is. And he has yet to figure it out himself.

Guess he'll hold out for week four. Maybe he'll see Taehyung at the next movie night.

He really hopes so.


At dance practice the next day, he tries not to focus on the door. Tries not to hope he'll hear the familiar sound of a crumpling plastic bag, a deep voice greeting him softly.

Tries not to imagine Taehyung's shy wave and tiny falling smile, his retreating form walking out the door.

He tries not to recall every single time he's previously seen it and ignored it.

And he tries to convince himself his chest hurts because he's pushing himself too hard. Not for any other reason. Not because he's feeling something like regret.


Week four makes it's way into existence and it takes Jeongguk by storm.

It's already been a rough week, he's had very little sleep and minor inconveniences continue happening to him throughout it. He almost decided he'd pass on movie night because he's just tired of this week but he's so glad he didn't.

Suddenly everything this week has been worth it because Tae makes an appearance.

He's smiley and bouncy, excitable like always.

Except everyone knows he's not. There's a strain to his smile, his laugh is quieter, his eyes don't sparkle with mischief and joy like they used to.

And it has Jeongguk's blood boiling because how dare someone take the spark in Taehyung's eyes.

But it comes rushing back to him. The memories. With Taehyung here, right now, his mind refreshes and reminds him this isn't the only time Taehyung has tried to conceal his pain.

It reminds him that he's done that to Taehyung before. He's been hurting him and stomping that light out way before this. And it makes him sick.

between heaven and disaster | jjk + kth ✔️Where stories live. Discover now