Chapter 1: Twilight's Project

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"Twilight? Where are you? It's almost time to leave. Twilight?" Spike called out.

Spike found Twilight in her library scrawling chalk on a chalkboard. She was clearly absorbed in her work, and didn't even hear when Spike came in. He walked over to her and tapped her, calling to her again.


"Ahh! Spike, you startled me!" She exclaimed, stepping away from him and the chalkboard.

"Sorry. I've been calling you. It's time to leave."

"Right right, sorry. I've just been...uh, research." Twilight said, trying not to be specific.

Spike took a closer look at the work that Twilight was doing. The equations, the angles, and the diagrams all looked somewhat familiar. Twilight waited nervously for Spike to say something, feeling her heart beginning to beat faster and rise up in her chest.

"This looks familiar. Weren't you doing something like this when you were coming up with the spell for the portal?" Spike asked.

"Uhh yeah." Twilight admitted.

"What are you trying to do? Are you trying to fix it, make it better?" Spike guessed.

"Well, something like that... I'm trying to find a way to get back to Earth without allowing the extra stuff to go through like Princess Celestia was saying." Twilight explained.

"You want to try to bring Alex and his friend back again?" Spike quickly realized.

"Um, I mean, um... Yes, I do. Please don't tell the others yet. I-I don't want to get their hopes up. I'm nowhere near figuring this out yet." Twilight pleaded with him. Spike nodded.

"Okay. I won't say anything. But I hope you figure it out. It'd be cool to have them back." Spike said as they began to leave. Twilight flipped over the chalkboard so the blank side was facing outwards.

"Yeah, I think so too, Spike. After everything that happened... I know Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy especially were hit really hard by what happened, and only after these past few months have they really started to put it past them.

"I know Princess Celestia had her reasons, but if we can find a way to bring them back without going against all that, then what would be the harm? You know? They're our friends. I don't want to have to lose them forever." Twilight explained.

"I know, Twilight. You're the princess of friendship, after all. I would've been more surprised if you weren't trying to find a way." Spike said with a chuckle.

"Thanks, Spike," Twilight said with a smile. "How far behind schedule did I put us by getting distracted?"

"About 10 minutes."

"Oh! We need to get going then!" Twilight said quickly, starting to fly up.

"Wait, Twilight! What about me?!"


Rainbow Dash's head rose up suddenly. She looked over at Spitfire, who was calling to her.

"Yes, captain?" She called back.

"Get your head out of the locker! We're on in 10!"

"Yes, captain! Sorry, captain." Rainbow Dash said, grabbing her flight goggles and closing her locker. Spitfire walked over to her.

"Is everything alright, Crash? You haven't been focusing as much lately. Something going on?" Spitfire asked, showing some genuine concern. Rainbow Dash sighed a bit, but shook her head.

"Everything's fine. I'm just dealing with some stuff." She answered.

"Need to talk about it with somepony?" Spitfire asked.

"Maybe. I don't know. Probably not."

"Alright. Well, for now, just focus on the routine, alright? We got your back." Spitfire said, patting her briefly before leaving again.

Rainbow Dash sighed, looking down for a moment. It was difficult to admit that she still thought sometimes about Alex, about his planet, and how things ended so...unsatisfying. The only ones who she could confide in about it already knew all about it, and she already talked to them about it.

Nevertheless, she had other things she needed to be thinking about right now. Pushing it into the back of her mind now, she strapped on her flying goggles and followed the other Wonderbolts out of the locker room.

Things would be fine anyways. Her friends were in the audience today to watch her fly, and they had a killer routine prepared. It was time for her to go out there and do what she did best: flying.

Meanwhile, as the Wonderbolts were preparing, Twilight was meeting up with the others at their seats. She hurriedly sat with them, between Fluttershy and Rarity.

"Hey! Hey, sorry I'm late, I was in the library." Twilight apologized sheepishly.

"Not to worry, darling. That alone explains everything." Rarity said, teasing her with a giggle and a nudge. Twilight smiled a bit.

"What've you been reading lately?" Fluttershy asked.

"Oh you know, just researching stuff. You know, for personal magic projects?" Twilight said, choosing to keep her true intentions to herself for now.

"Of course, darling. You've been doing a lot of research lately." Rarity said.


"It's good that you're taking some time to relax. We're glad you could make it." Rarity said.

"Yeah! Rainbow Dash was really excited for us to see this routine! She said it was the best Wonderbolt routine yet!" Pinkie Pie exclaimed excitedly.

"That is pretty exciting! I look forward to seeing it then." Twilight said with a smile.

Looking around, Twilight's eyes fell onto the V.I.P. box. Up there, she saw Princess Celestia and Princess Luna talking. She watched them for a bit, and her thoughts went back to what Celestia had told her, and how her project was almost working around that.

Sooner or later, she would have to face her mentor for this, especially if she succeeded.

The thought of that almost made her want to change her mind. Yet, at the same time, she was convinced that this was the right thing to do. She had to trust that Celestia would understand why she was doing this in time.

"Oh look. Celestia and Luna are here too." Applejack pointed out to the others, following Twilight's line of sight. The others quickly took notice as well.

"Oh cool! I'm sure Rainbow Dash is gonna rock their socks off too!" Pinkie giggled.

"I don't think they're wearing socks, Pinkie." Applejack said.

"Well, they won't be after the show!" Pinkie replied.

The girls giggled at this. Twilight let her gaze rest on Celestia for a little bit. In her mind, she was thinking about what the conversation between them would be like...

What would she have to say if Alex came back?

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