chapter 4

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Nariama was really beat up the night befor and the next morning Ryozo was the first to wake up he walked to Nariamas room he was worried about Nariama he knocked on the door "Nariama you should wake up" Ryozo said Nariama stirs and woke up he say up and stared at the neckless then sighed he was quite "Nariama im going to come in its already late" Ryozo said but Nariama said nothing Ryozo opened the door and walked to Nariama and sat next to him "Hey whats wrong" Ryozo said Nariama looked at Ryozo his own eyes dull "Ryozo why did you help me?" Nariama asked Ryozo wasn't sure of what to say bur said "i dont really know its just when i saw you agin after all that time i just couldn't helo myself but help you even though i knew and still know little to nothing about you i feel a strong connection to you" Ryozo said Nariama grabbed the neckless and put it on "Ryozo your a type of business owner right?" Nariama said as he fiddled with the neckless "yah what about it" Ryozo said confused "then why are you practically allways here?" Nariama asked "no reason really just my co workers know i can run what i have to here and i dont really like going to the office" Ryozo said Nariama sighed "ok im going to go out for a while" a small phone vibrated in his drawer Nariama walked to it checked it then smiled but immediately calmed down "ill be back aroun 3 so thats about 2 hours" Nariama said as he shut the drawer "ok then ill see you later" Ryozo said Nariama then left he chose not to use his power for a while he just walked around he fiddled with the neckless this will be fun" Nariama said about 2 hours past he started to run home "Shit ima be late how did i manage to be this bad" he eventually made it not to long after the time he was told he looked at Ryozo who just stood there holding Nariamas package "hey Nariama you got a package" Ryozo said Nariama walked to him amd grabed it he flenched "how did you get this its supposed to only be given to me by my signature" Nariama said Ryozo smiled then said "i dont know he just gave it to me" Nariama saighed then said "just dont do it again" he griped the package "ima go check this out" Nariama said then walked to his room and locked the door Ryozo sighed then laughed "so he might just be a member of my organization i bet hes part of the info presses" Ryozo said Nariama opened the package he was given 3 pills "cool i get 3 missions" Nariama mumbled he went over the stuff "2 are due today but this last ine will be a bit annoying i need to observe her" Nariama said then grabbed the pill containers memoried the files the put the rest of the package up he put in a black hoodie and gloves "damn i have a lot to do today huh" Nariama mumbled as he put the pill container in his pocket then walked out the room "Hey Sorry but i have to go for a whiled i dont know when ill be back but i should be back later to grab some stuff but ill be gon for a while" Nariama said then left Ryozo stared at the door "what the hell he could at least wait a while" Ryozo mumbled time skip 1 week Nariama stared at his target he bit his lip a little "damnit she wasn't supposed to be so complicated the damn ifo people got her wrong" Nariama mumbled he removed his hoodie and tied it around his waist changed his form to that if a childs and put the pill in his hand then he glanced around and smiled as he finally got her in a location with no camras but sighed knowing it be a bit to soon to kill her he then walked to the woman "um excuse me mis im so sorry for disturbing you but im very lost and i need to get home or my parents will be very mad" Nariama said shaking the woman looked at Nariama then knelt down "ok ill help you but whats your name" she said "my name is Nariama" he said he fidgeted with his hands but kept the pill out of sighed "ok how old are you i can help by fileing a police report" she said Nariama was siled he was confused he didn't expect her to respond like that "im 6 and please dont involved the police my parents will be very mad they dont want the police to have anything to do with me" Nariama said the woman softly smiled "ok then you can come to my place and we can search for your family tomorrow" She said Nariama put his hand to his mouth then swallowed the pill "um mam can i ask your name" Nariama said stalling as he started to create a type of feald nobody could exit only people with a good amount of power could even enter the lady looked at him knowing about the barrier Nariama smiled his form revedted to normal "you finally gave me an opening it took so long" Nariama said his abilitys highted and his agility as well he grabbed a kife and practically teleported behind her and put the knife to her neck "so i need some information you got like 3 weeks ago so whats the passcode to the computer at your base" Nariama said She growled and tried to elbow him in the gut but Nriama simply dodged "hey now no need to get mean you simply need to give me the passcode" Nariama said the woman was silent she tried to think of a way to escape but couldn't "09H3ljk" she said Nariama smiled "such a good job" Nariama said then sliced her neck open then put her on the ground the knife in her hands staging ot to look like suicide Nariama sighed "i guess i can go home now" Nariama mumbled he walked to his hotel grabbed his book wrote something down then tour out another page wrote the code down and telaported it to the base "i wonder what ill do if Ryozo finds out" Nariama mumbled as he grabbed his mp3 player and put his headphones in he turned the volume down a lot grabed his stuff and telaported home

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