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I was defending my championship against Randy Orton. I was setting up for the phenomenal forearm. I heard freak flag. I said oh my god. I turned around Abigail was walking down to the ring. I jumped on the ropes and tried to do the phenomenal forearm. Randy hit me with the RKO and he pinned me. 1...2...3. The ring announcer said your winner and new WWE World Heavy Weight champion  Randy Orton. I leaned up and looked at Abigail. She smiled and waved at me. I was pissed off. She blew a kiss, turned around and went to the back. I slid out and followed her. I walked through the curtain she was gone. I walked around looking for her. I found her talking to Shane. I walked over and said what the hell was that? Abigail said are you mad AJ? I said hell yeah. Shane are you just gonna let her do this? Shane said it was my idea. I said why? You are aware she hates me right? Shane said yes I am and that's why I chose this storyline. She'll be screwing with y'all and....I said you said y'all does this include the Hardy's? Abigail said yeah I'm going to have so much fun with this storyline. I said of course. Wait if I have a match with Luke and Karl will she interfering with that? Abigail said yes. You're going to regret the day I came to WWE. I said I already do. Abigail said great then I'm doing my job. But I'm going to go bye AJ. She laughed and walked away. I said Shane why? Shane said it'll be an interesting storyline. I said so I'm not getting my title back? Shane said if you're phenomenal you can get it back. I said but I have that on my ass now. Shane said good luck AJ. He walked away. I said oh my god ugh....

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