Chapter 42: Preparation and Departure

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Sasuke followed the three as they emerged from the department. He didn't ask what they were going to do, since they were headed in the obvious direction of Ichiraku's. Before they went in, Sasuke pulled Naruto aside. "I'll do the other things I talked about. See you in a bit, love." With a quick kiss, Sasuke walked away, leaving a giddy Naruto staring after him. Kami, he chose his mate well. And soon, Sasuke will belong to him forever... He felt greedy and wanted to claim Sasuke fully right then and there. Naruto narrowed his eyes as he watched Sasuke disappear in the crowd.

Hisato stepped up next to him and pulled him out of his thoughts."I thought he disliked you." Hisato said, nudging him in the side.

Naruto turned his attention to Hisato, watching the man take a step back when their eyes met. With a sigh, Naruto blinked and let the intense feeling subside. "He's my mate." Naruto answered looking back to the crowd. He felt a small pang for not being able to see Sasuke anymore.

"Mate? As in a friend?" Hisato asked slightly hopeful.

Naruto shook his head and looked at Hisato again. "No, I mean my life partner.  He'll mother my children." Naruto said with a smile on his lips. He ducked into the small restaurant before Hisato had a chance to process the statement, ignoring the slight hurt on Hisato's face at his words.

Naruto expertly avoided all further questioning by Hisato, either by making sure his mouth was full of delicious ramen, the last of the best ramen in the world for a long time for him, or by keeping his conversation with Morino up. When the food was all gone and so were the subjects to talk about, Naruto gave Morino a quick hug, waves goodbye and disappeared over the rooftops to find Sasuke.

It can't hard to know where Sasuke was; he always knew where Sasuke was. Sasuke was already back at home, with everything they needed sealed and ready. Naruto stood in the doorway watching Sasuke until Sasuke noticed him. "We'll leave tomorrow if that's okay with you." Sasuke said.

Naruto took a few steps into the room, but then stopped. "Sure." He said.  There wasn't a hurry, after all. And the rest of the day to relax around the house brought a few interesting ideas to Naruto's mind. Interesting and exciting. Sasuke wasn't ready yet, but that didn't mean Naruto couldn't tease him a little. Or a lot. There was a lot he could do to Sasuke until he was ready to accept him to the fullest... With a smirk he let his eyes wander over Sasuke, raking his gaze over Sasuke's body as Sasuke moved around, cleaning up and organising the last few things.

He stared for a few moments longer, knowing Sasuke was getting uncomfortable by his persistent gaze but that just made him more appealing to Naruto. The ever so slight blush creeping on to Sasuke's face looked delicious and Naruto couldn't wait to worsen it. "Sasuke..." He said in a low voice, demanding Sasuke's attention easily. Sasuke looked up with a questioning look. "Come here." Naruto added. Without thinking about it Sasuke walked over and stood before Naruto.

Sasuke had to look down just a little bit, but that didn't make him feel less like he was submitting at the moment. For a moment he felt like he needed to step away, that he wasn't in the right mindset yet for this, given what had happened in the last few days. Before he could act, his thoughts were stopped and forgotten by the smile Naruto gave him and leaned in for a sweet kiss. "Good." Naruto did just before their lips met. Sasuke gladly let Naruto take the lead. It was easier in a way, releasing control for a while.

Strong hands dug themselves into his black hair, twisting until it ached, but didn't really hurt. A soft moan escaped him and the slight tug at his hair that followed told him that Naruto had been looking for that reaction. Naruto didn't leave any room to breathe and doubled down on his grip and the kiss.

The feeling of Naruto's lips on his, forceful to the point where Sasuke was sure he'd be bruised, drowned his thoughts out completely and before long Sasuke found himself on his back, propped up on his elbows while Naruto was in his knees, a leg on either side, looming over him, kissing him in a way he couldn't escape.

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