~secrets~ Zim x Reader

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Your POV:

I sat in class and sighed at the sudden bell ringing, indicating school was starting. I looked at my hands and saw nothing changed. Suddenly, a familiar green boy walked inside the classroom. I never paid attention to anyone there but this boy caught my eye. The teacher was preparing for a roll call so I played with my hands to wait. Dib, Layla, Mia, etc. Then, I looked up until I heard the name "Zim." The green boy shot up dramatically. "That is me!" Zim shouted. He sat back down and looked around. Zim then saw me. He noticed that he didn't hear my name being called because my lips didn't move. And he observed all the time so he noticed. "Uhm, why didn't you name that human in the back?" Zim asked. The teacher rolled her eyes and went back to typing. Everyone looked at him rudely. "Maybe we should ignore him too since he caught on.." Layla whispered to Mia. Zim scoffed before walking over to me and taking his last step over to my desk. "Hello human." Zim greeted. I ignored it. Zim raised an eye before tapping a finger on my desk to get my attention. I looked up at him. "Hello…" I greet back. Zim took his hand back and put it behind his back. "Meet me in the Hall during lunch if you do not mind." Zim says placing a note on my desk and walking away leaving a small smile of evil leaving his figure a creepy vibe. I liked it. I felt a small smile creep upon my face so I opened the note and read carefully. "12:30 pm. Sharp. My name is Zim if you didn't know. -Zim'' I folded it back up and put it in my pocket. I looked at the clock and saw it was 12:26 pm. I stared at the clock with a glare each minute. Then, the bell rang for lunch. I got up and got pushed around from the students rushing to the cafeteria. I sighed and looked for Zim. I saw him walked around the corner of the Hall. I walked over to the Hall but, he was gone. I walked down the Hall farther until I got pulled into the closet. I jumped but, didn't help or scream. It was just Zim though. Zim flipped on the switch and the room illuminated, showing the countless school items. Zim looked back at me and smirked, putting his hands behind his back again. "I'm glad you could make it human. But, I expected that." Zim said. Zim then put out a hand as in a hand shake. "What is your name, human?" He asked firmly. I shook his hand. "Y/n L/n. But, why do you ask?" I asked. Zim smiled. "Because I take an interest in you. You are very interesting. But if you don't mind me asking, why is everyone ignoring you? It's been on my mind for a while." Zim asked following his sentence. I felt tears form but I rubbed them away. Zim raised an eye. "It's because I'm not like them. I'm quiet and I don't pay attention to them." I say trying to hide my sad voice. Zim still caught on. "Oh. Well, I don't want to ignore you. You sound so kind and how could I ignore you?" Zim said, blushing a little and smiling. I smiled softly. "That is very kind of you Zim. I take an interest in you too." I say smiling at him. Zim then took a few steps towards me and held my hand in his. "Will you be my best friend?" Zim asked. I looked up at him, feeling a little shocked. But, I had a sense of trust from him. Everything that I wanted. But, something was still uneasy... "Yes. I will be your best friend." I say. Zim smiles evilly. "Perfect. I am sure you will love seeing these filthy humans fall to failure and defeat. Wouldn't you?" Zim asked. I nodded. Zim's smile grew into an evil grin. "Good. We shall start this world domination now." Zim says putting his hands behind his back. "But Zim, that would take a lot of work and planning. How would I be able to help?" I ask. Zim chuckles before taking off his wig and contacts, revealing he was an alien like everyone rumored him to be. Zim smirked again. "I'm an irken invader sent to dominate this planet. That's one thing. You also would help me tremendously by your quietness. Nobody would see the pain coming to them." Zim chuckled. "And also, because… I actually think you would be a great sidekick. So, what do you choose?" Zim asked blushing a little. My eyes shimmered at the idea. I nodded quickly. Zim stepped forward and placed his claw on my chin, lifting my head to his eyes. Zim then placed a kiss on my lips. "By sidekick, I mean partner in crime… sweet heart." Zim whispers in my ear. I blush madly before smiling. "Okay Zim.. I accept that.." I say smiling and hypnotized by his flirting. Zim smirked before putting his disguise back on and holding my hand on the way out of the closet. "NOTHING TO SEE HERE FILTHY HYOOMMANSSS!!!" Zim shouted, running with me.
We spent the rest of the day together, him threatening the student sitting next to him to move to make way for me, him defending me, etc. I actually had feelings for him. And he had feelings for me.

WOAH K Well anyway that was fun

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